Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Dream Girl Unicorn Phenomenon!

I know your probably wonder WTF is The Dream Girl Unicorn Phenomenon! So I'll just jump right into it......

She's so easy to fall for, she has a natural grace and sex appeal that can't be denied and she's only single once in a blue moon. Every man at some point bumps into one of these practical unicorns of women, it's one of the few times where as men we'd stack our pro's and con's together to see if we could be on par for what a woman like her could want. We'd actually want to be better just for her. She is the perfect woman funny, smart, witty, family oriented, and so drop dead gorgeous you sometimes get caught off guard by the fact she's so nonchalant about it. A model who want to run for governor or the songstress who could take over the world the pre med student who was put in maxim home town hotty's lol each man has his own unicorn running about you could say.

This is the first time the concept has really ever popped in my head until a recent interaction with my first "unicorn" lmao. I remember my uncle telling me the story about this woman who in a lack of better words made him go gaga no lady lol, and I never really understood. See as a man as sad as it seems women are like extreme sports or summit peaks there is a natural urge to conquer and stamp them with the I HAVE BEEN HERE flag. So we go about or usual routine's of being a dog you sniff tree's you piss here the usual lol, until you meet a girl who some how begin's to leash you and your happy with it. But after you've been let of the leash your a different type dog you forgive but never forget always hesitant when one reaches for you collar (that was a pretty damn good allegory i must say). So when you bump into this random flint spark of hope that is the dream girl unicorn phenomenon its noticeable. Its like seeing in black and white but she's in color vibrant and elusive, I damn near wanted to check an see if her feet even touched the ground. An after you meet her its similar to falling in slow motion, you knew from the first convo that you were hooked and didn't give SHIT!

That is the power the dream girl has, so of course your probably wondering so why not go for it right? Well just like all great things there are task you must perform and with the dream girl the task will always be something out of reach something that makes you realize a big short coming. An that will not go away till you make it till you better yourself but here's the thing about the dream girl that makes her so elusive during all of this there's her dream guy running around to and that nigga well got damn look at it like this remember when you first saw Will & Jada yeah boss shit lol. So of course you don't actually catch the unicorn unless your Jay-Z, and thats some one in a million type shit so that don't count lol.
"She came into a world that was black & white and showed me what life could be like in color. I could never be perfect, but she showed me for the right one one day I could make perfect an understatement"- DeAngelo Emory

Monday, May 17, 2010

"THANK GOD FOR BLOGGING" venting edition (-_-)

You ever set yourself up for failure and get disappointed...I did and it sucks, I know I haven't been performing my blogging duties like I should but life been laying the 1 2 combo on me. You have no idea how many drafts are sitting in my box right now (the counts 12 lol) making a relationship blog like this was fun at the beginning now though *sigh* its like a warped fun house mirror lol. I really lack the actual zeal (one of my words for the day) to keep it going even though it's keeping money in my pocket lol. I knew it was bad when I actually thought of getting a real job!

So I don't know what this blog is going to be about to be honest, really at the moment you will be reading the vent of a frustrated black man lol. Shit its probably more entertaining then the mediocre stuff I've been posting lately anyway, I think I've lost my writers edge I blame a poor diet and stress lol. I've come to realize I don't talk to anyone when I can't deal with life and its bitch fits (thank god for blogging). I guess I can tell you guys this due to some of you actually showing interest in it, well I finished the script I was working on and after reading it and I MEAN ALL OF IT 592 pages I realized I may actually have a future in this. I've lowkey given up my social life to sit behind this cpu to make this happen never really telling the people in my life that this is what I've been doing, I'm not drinking an smoking my days away thats just my leisure activity lol.

So I'm happy I finished an can submit for a copyright *pats self on back* it feels good to know I can soon tell people to suck my *bleep* I'm tired of people looking for an explanation for what I'm doing with my life. Then there's the one thing that lowkey happy during my hobbit time "her" lol. She had me hopeful for a relationship that didn't include keystroke's and imaginary characters and dialog but that fell apart like some cheap dollar store toy. One word ugh! So I guess I am back where I started minus the support group that I could lean on like usual but solo has always been the story of my life.....

well i guess til next time hopefully sooner than later



Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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