Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

brand new pt2

"There was once this moment in my life where everything seemed perfect u kno the kinda perfect where it should of been wrong" she said, " until you came along and made everything right seem so wrong and iv never been happier you made me want to be wrong just so u could smile an say some corny ass line that id find funny for some reason then you'd give that look and it all seemed worth it......."

I dont kno much about love and life but that there is what makes it all worth it to give up comfort for the unpredictable, for the simple fact that on a wing and a prayer some fuked up emotion is gonna give you wings and your jus gonna sail on love like some cornballish 70s flowerchild acid trip gone right. Yet as human being we crave companionship and its one of the many things that at no point do we ever truly figure out BUT we(I) love it lol call me masochistic but hot damn id take heartbreak a couple more times jus for those moments where u smile for no reason at shit that is worth breakin ou the pearly whites. A lil while ago i wrote a blog titled "Is anything we do Brand New " I guess this would be its sequel the return of the jedi (dont mind nerd moment i been gettin geeky lately ugh lol).

Well how do i start this *pheeeew (thats my calmin breath lol) ok well lately iv lacked the urge to blog lik i usually do due to the fact that lik 94.89% of em are about relationships or the opposite sex, and etc (and dont ask where i got the % from i did the math carried the 1 an ish an thats what i got lol). Well what im trying very badly to say is i dont believe in love and ish really or that everybody finds it i guess so wasting time wit relationships seem kinda nascar lik to me shit you can only take so many left hand turns you know.

Then i fuked up an hung around the wrong chick the main ex that cant be cropped out the pic lol across the usa in cali over a couple beers an a blunt in the air around 3 somethin in the am which is like 5 somethin in Ga time. We finally really talked about what happened and how it affected us. An i must say i felt like a douche 91% of the convo (theres that math again) but she kept saying one thing i had to ask about "i did it for you", sentence after sentence left me confused the more she said it, although it could of been the lack of sleep mixed with my high blood alcohol level or the fact that i was high or it could've been all the above lol so i asked "wtf do you mean you did it for me" when she explained it to me it was like my heart had an ephipany (wierd huh)
"I loved you dickhead"
you see what i mean lol who couldn't love a woman who can shit on you and wipe it off in one sentence. Yet i understood finally what she meant for a long time i really didn't know what love was from a person who does that any more really you hear but you dont feel it shit i say i love you to ppl all the time see watch i love you no homo, but there i was toasted on roof top lookin at a chick who just called me a dick head thinkin this is my movie moment this is where i realized the truth about it all. Nothing we ever do is Brand New we barely can handle old shit new shit i think i'll pass for now cause now I am back to the basics.

My name is DeAngelo Emory im an employee at a crappy clothing store job, i write, i smoke (some say to much but i like to say eh wat can i do lol), like cookin more than going out to eat, love movies even some chick flicks (the notebook was slightly touchin that broad couldve remembered somethin dammit lol), And lik alot of ppl now I am single and this has nothin to do with the song but i think its time to start something Brand NEW!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

loves final blows

I haven't been here in awhile.

In this place were all directions still take me back,
back to you,back to the moments were i forgot you existed.
You are love ,the space that never seems whole is your home
with out you i am someone but still nothing.
Lie to myself, lie to you, but no one to lie with
enbrazed in my mind are your songs that i slow dance to with my futures loves and heart breaks
i hate love for she is never there when i need her but always ready to interupt me when i have moved on.

My jealous love oh so ready to take my breath away yet never to be mine
thus my love i give up, i surrender
break me under your current so the tide can sweep me away
away from you
away from the her's
away from your hurt
laugh away fought tears
i can no longer do
see my love broke my heart before
i had a chance to fight back
now i sit here to replay its final blows
the words
her tears, her good-bye eyes, and her kiss
and i think again of her kiss the one things from her that held regret
she left the piece her that i loved most on my lips
damn love for twisting my mind and leaving me less of a man
with out that love, that gave me excitement,strength, and pleasure
what am i now?
Cause see there are two loves in life,
THE one you touch the one that leaves that kiss in your mind
and then there's LOVE the emotion the power the damning force
that shapes lives and can tear them down!!I hate that love made me love her
because to this day i still feel loves final blows..............

Sunday, July 12, 2009

1+1=5 wtf lol

Alright so I know it has been a min since my last blog yet again guilty of “doin the most” between work, having a social life, and working on some other projects of mine ( im writing a book and a script) . I have been neglecting to update the adventures like I usually do. An to be honest I didn’t really have the urge to talk about shit lol (I mean really I been on my I don’t give shit tip lately) until a couple days ago when stuff just kept popping up making the blogger in me fingers itch from baby momma/daddy drama (not me other niggas lol) breaks up & make up, MJ passed away (rip), my mom broke her ankle (at a doctor’s office lol lik WTF), women issue’s, and ish it all has been building so prepare for a couple days worth of blogging goodness lol……

But to start it off I’d like to warn the weak of mind lol I may say something that make you feel some sort of way idk but if so eh what can I do lol

Well lately I’ve been hearing a lot of women gripe about how men are so effed up and I’d like to say my bad lol and get over it because not all men are created equal and I refuse to apologize for having a penis. I understand your issue’s completely yes we can be dogs yes we can be selfish and yes we can do you so very wrong at times but for all men to be put in this small but popular category of the bad guy is becoming annoying as hell. I’ve yet to hear any lady stand up and admit that they might just have bad taste in men (if there any takers please do stand up lol). I mean when it come to knowing women with fresh shit on the sidewalk type niggas in their archives I’m the king the stories some of them have told me had me both rolling on the floor laughing and saying what the fuck at the same time, but it always left me thinking why can’t you find a decent dude? Are we that few and scarce that females are forced to wade through the juke pile of men in Atlanta to find someone who slightly resembles a knight in shining armor? Albeit that it’s similar for men also but we at least have the ability to lie to our selves long enough to enjoy the moment, but for women it’s never quite that simple.

So when did Good Guys become so few in numbers, maybe it was when we became too taken for granted probably around the same time chivalry died idk lol. A couple years ago a guy who was trying to introduce himself and get to know a girl didn’t have to bring his last W2 and check stub to apply for a number it seemed ( lol I mean really a nigga gotta fill out application now an days ) when did “Hi my name is” become cliché lol. An I understand ladies you may be approached a lot but putting a fuck off stamp on your head to direct us away from you would both help and entertain lol a dude to keep from wasting your time. This isn’t a connection to the multitude of shit for brain nigga’s who cat call broads with the “Ay shawty in the red” and “Baby where you goin?” lines fuck them nigga’s lol I don’t blame you. I’m speaking for the dudes who fear rejection just like most men but man up like they suppose to an introduce themselves with some form of decorum and aren’t too nervous to be themselves (boy do I feel for them niggas tis tisk lol).

All I know is at some point we stop some form of communication that permitted us to figure out if 1+1=2 still because I’d swear it’s some people male and female that must think it equal 5 or something cause niggas be on some way out the park type shit it is amazing. I’m not saying that I have all the answers if so I’d be wifed down putting rings on fingers an whatever else Beyonce’ next single says to do lol but I do know one thing repeating the same process will only get the same results leaving the same OLD & TIRED lines “Nigga’s aint shit!” and “Bitches crazy” (no offense lol)………

On the next blogpidsode of THE Adventures of Sir-Lo the Coolest “What happened to black men: The Baby daddy issue”


Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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