Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

brand new pt2

"There was once this moment in my life where everything seemed perfect u kno the kinda perfect where it should of been wrong" she said, " until you came along and made everything right seem so wrong and iv never been happier you made me want to be wrong just so u could smile an say some corny ass line that id find funny for some reason then you'd give that look and it all seemed worth it......."

I dont kno much about love and life but that there is what makes it all worth it to give up comfort for the unpredictable, for the simple fact that on a wing and a prayer some fuked up emotion is gonna give you wings and your jus gonna sail on love like some cornballish 70s flowerchild acid trip gone right. Yet as human being we crave companionship and its one of the many things that at no point do we ever truly figure out BUT we(I) love it lol call me masochistic but hot damn id take heartbreak a couple more times jus for those moments where u smile for no reason at shit that is worth breakin ou the pearly whites. A lil while ago i wrote a blog titled "Is anything we do Brand New " I guess this would be its sequel the return of the jedi (dont mind nerd moment i been gettin geeky lately ugh lol).

Well how do i start this *pheeeew (thats my calmin breath lol) ok well lately iv lacked the urge to blog lik i usually do due to the fact that lik 94.89% of em are about relationships or the opposite sex, and etc (and dont ask where i got the % from i did the math carried the 1 an ish an thats what i got lol). Well what im trying very badly to say is i dont believe in love and ish really or that everybody finds it i guess so wasting time wit relationships seem kinda nascar lik to me shit you can only take so many left hand turns you know.

Then i fuked up an hung around the wrong chick the main ex that cant be cropped out the pic lol across the usa in cali over a couple beers an a blunt in the air around 3 somethin in the am which is like 5 somethin in Ga time. We finally really talked about what happened and how it affected us. An i must say i felt like a douche 91% of the convo (theres that math again) but she kept saying one thing i had to ask about "i did it for you", sentence after sentence left me confused the more she said it, although it could of been the lack of sleep mixed with my high blood alcohol level or the fact that i was high or it could've been all the above lol so i asked "wtf do you mean you did it for me" when she explained it to me it was like my heart had an ephipany (wierd huh)
"I loved you dickhead"
you see what i mean lol who couldn't love a woman who can shit on you and wipe it off in one sentence. Yet i understood finally what she meant for a long time i really didn't know what love was from a person who does that any more really you hear but you dont feel it shit i say i love you to ppl all the time see watch i love you no homo, but there i was toasted on roof top lookin at a chick who just called me a dick head thinkin this is my movie moment this is where i realized the truth about it all. Nothing we ever do is Brand New we barely can handle old shit new shit i think i'll pass for now cause now I am back to the basics.

My name is DeAngelo Emory im an employee at a crappy clothing store job, i write, i smoke (some say to much but i like to say eh wat can i do lol), like cookin more than going out to eat, love movies even some chick flicks (the notebook was slightly touchin that broad couldve remembered somethin dammit lol), And lik alot of ppl now I am single and this has nothin to do with the song but i think its time to start something Brand NEW!!

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Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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