Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Adventure's Of Sir-Lo The Coolest


Soooooo its been like a gazillion years since my last update to the adventure's an boy has it been one lol there’s been trips to Miami (beware of white girls that ask if u want some of their meds lol), twitter has been deestroyin my life &tinychat is no longer tiny I must say that bitch is damn near giantchat now lol (an if u dont have a webcam u need to get on that asap lol im jus sayin), new friends new interest new goals new everything so I guess all I can say is this is THE UPDATE…..

Ok first off let me start by saying owe me money for all the hours I’ve put in on them shits lol my new bed time is anything after 3am an if I hear bird chirps OMG I have just fucked up!! An then there’s the new #crush (an yes I jus trended a word lol I tweet A LOT) who I dare say is one of the most refreshing women I’ve met in awhile AND I know diddly squat about her lol I know you’re like wtf, yet I still kinda get excited when I get a text/tweet now which is like sooo unlike me. But its because of her that I got the gumption to start blogging again (I apologize for my use of the word gumption who am I Andy Griffith sp check lol) well where was I oh yeah I remember now lol.

While wondering through my @’s she made a statement about how I am on like every social networking site and what happened to “face to face convo’s & phone calls” which of course I understand completely. Do you know how annoying it is to have someone leave a msg on fbook u respond back they don’t respond, then the dumbass tweet u all jus to say “wats up” BITCH HAVE U LOST UR TWEETIN MIND U HAVE MY PHONE NUMBER!! And this leads into my topic for the day lol…….

Has all this Social Networking cut the concept of actual social networking in THE REAL WORLD!!

I mean I’m a fbook/twitter junkie also but I still look forward to talking an meeting people outside of the warm glow of my laptops screen (its pretty warm really my lap be toasty). Our generation has become so technology driven that I don’t even think that anyone knows how to send out letters and shit I mean when was the last time you went to get a stamp really lol, we text we facebook we tweet BUT we don’t remember how fun it was to be on the phone after 12am talking like teenagers about any and everything but hot damn I can tell you how RT @lilduval funny ass roasted the shit out of some #basic bitches last #FF lol.

I like to talk I love to talk and I love a good convo face to face with all the facial expression, stutters and awkward moments. So between all the EXTRA THIRSTY dudes, “MODELS” (the quotes lol), PROMOTERS, and the just enjoying their time online social networking people lol, who out there thinks it’d be kinda fun to talk to someone without waiting for a reply dammit lol without walking to the restroom coming back an saying damn they blew my inbox the hell up!! All I am saying is who else is tired of dealing with people who can only hold a decent convo electronically lol “bitch open ur mouth an speak an if say lol why the fuck you aint really laughin”, call me old fashion but at some point I want to hear my girl voice an its been like 3 weeks an I swear for a chick with so much to say I aint heard shit from her ass but she stay blowin my phone up THANKS UNLIMITED TEXT GEESH LMAO!


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Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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