Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

If I could "Say Anything" it'd be your my ONE LOVE!

I've said it before, but two of the hardest things to do in life are moving on and letting go.
Then there are the time's in life where you don't wanna do either.
Who really want's to let go when that person is still there to hold you? Why would you want to move on when you like where your at? But, love is tricky like that it's one of those masochistic emotions. What other word could describe it I don't know, all I know is that after love stings us we are constantly on guard the next time we sense its presence.
Phrase's like, "i don't wanna be hurt again..." hold meaning that sometimes can't be put in words.
So where do you go if you can't move forward,and don't want to move back. Who is to say that this time wont be like the last? Then who's to say that if you do happen to take that step forward that something magical could happen?
Has love lost broken the bravest of us?

Are we to afraid to love again? The saddest truth of them all could of them all is that, the fear of pain although justified is crippling us. To stand as a proud battered victim of heartbreak and take that chance, to just leap sounds asinine huh? But,(there's always a but remember lol) if we don't take risk's what are we living for?

What grand declaration of love must be shown to prove to a victim of heartbreak that your love for them is worth the jump? I could hold a ghetto blaster over my head blasting a love ballad. Shit I'd get my John Cusack on just for you to "SAY ANYTHING", I'll be your Lloyd if you'd jump and be my Diane. I'm a movie nut so all my most poignant moments are reflected from cinema so it's oddly poetic to watch my life become a Cameron Crowe film. Boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl then gets her back. Thats the end right? NAH, see the girl is a victim yeah one of the ones we were just talking about. So what does a guy do, what grand declaration does a guy with a blog do?

Thursday, November 5, 2009


So it's exactly 3:01am I can say in the past 48hrs I've slept a good 8. Power naps, coffee and some camimil tea (sp check please lol). The tea for my throat, and the coffee well for the caffeine. I recently just quit smoking cigarettes, if I'm keeping count right this is numero 5. Another losing battle it feels like, laughing out loud is the only thing I can do to keep from screaming what the fuck. Pardon my French lol. See there it goes again the mandatory lol moment sometimes I don't even think I'm funny but I still lol.

I guess the classic lol is all i got right about now. I'm currently single again thats right somebody dropped me, ignoring all this boyish charm debonair smile, and witty nature. So score so far Dlo 0- heartbreak 2. Ugggh I gotta even that score soon, which means i gotta pick up some free agents again. A good number of them were dropped during the off season aka being "boo'd up".

So I guess if this entry could be named anything I guess it'd be called the break up but I'm a figure out something cool an witty the break up sound depressing. Well the obvious note would be that I am just getting out of what I guess would be called a relationship (well thats what facebook said). So at the moment the best way to describe my head shape is (wait hold on gotta think) well it's jumbled thats a good word. To much is going on right now its like I literally think up is down, and down is up. So between my weird case of SELECTIVE OCD and natural 3rd person omniscient view on life (for the slower ppl that means i look at my life as if i was watchin it on tv practically lol) I have been over using the frontal lobe of my brain stressing. With little to show for it other then a need for a smoke an I think a new wrinkle on my head.

So now its 3:55 windows has forced me to restart my laptop for updates I've made some tweets and stuff, gone through my slow jams playlist, but I'm still no closer to closure which is weird well for me it is. Sex, drugs, and the 3 R's (r&b rap and rock) are not working advice is a no go due to the fact that means I'd have to divulge info to someone about feelings an stuff. That means that ain't happening I know how the hell do I blog my life away but can't tell a friend or someone well I'm weird like that so sue me. So I'm just STUCK which i must say is the worst feeling no matter whether its literal or figurative.

But coming to a forced end (mainly cause im tired of typing for now) I am STUCK with more questions then answers, still confused looking down trying to find cloud 9 , still here thinking "Is there room for a guy who wants to fall in love with out all the extra sh*t?". "Do I really wanna throw a wrench in the pimp machine again just to be STUCK again?" and "WHO THE FUCK SAID LOVE OVERCOMES ALL?" cause i really wanna bitch slap this nigga........ oh my obligatory LOL there we go now I can go.......................................................................................................

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What every woman should hear!!

You hate your imperfections,
but i love em.
"My legs are to..."
girl hush!
"I hate when u say I look beautiful in the morning cause i know ur lyin"
I hate that you think I'd lie about it
the things in life that make you great
aren't your positives,
but how you hold up to your negatives.
That mole didn't become a beauty mark until you accepted that you were just that.
Your laugh made me laugh and I'll love it just as much the next day.
Your thighs aren't fat.
Your eye's arent to big.
Your lips are perfect.
An your waist has never been so slim,
I say this cause it's real
I hold you an think of how god has blessed me with something so surreal.
You've been perfect since birth
I'm jus here to remind you.
Perfectly beautiful
so beautifully perfect
not a thing I would change
Beautiful was just a word before,
but since i found you it came to life.....


Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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