Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Idk whether it's the constant flow of r&b and loneliness or the natural urge to reach out to wounded women but i have to say i wish i was different. The definition of a bleeding heart probably has my picture by it that and sucker lol. See I realized being raised by a bunch of single women and having a candidate for dead beat father of the year, that I don't want to be that guy. You know the guy the fucks anything and everything the guy who lies time and time again, the guy that didn't know she went home and cried that night, yeah that guy. So I've lowkey always been the Captain Save-A-Hoe in a male sense which gets me hurt just as easy as the chick in some cases, mainly due to the natural urge to want to make a woman happy. Thats where the sucker part comes in more like a Sucker For Love lol its pretty obvious, I'm a 23 yr old writer with a relationship blog/lowkey journal lol.

So sitting here lowkey salty I never get the girl highkey annoyed that Im salty, I am forced to learn from my failures finally. In a world where nice guys finish last why do I for some reason continue running uphill trying to prove this anomaly wrong, well Im a sucker for punishment for one but why can't I change? I've done it before to get what I want but I have yet to reach the point where I can make it stick, I guess the point Im making is WHY CAN'T I BE A ASSHOLE? The bad guy who is able to swoop in and mysteriously drop panties and steal hearts without a conscience, and why is it that those types are the ones being chased? The nigga in me blood boils when I hear the stupidity that leaks out of womens mouths about men do you know how many times I've listened to the sob stories and had to sugar coat BITCH ARE YOU STUPID! I'd like to say thats not easy at all cause there aren't many ways to say that nicely lol so their lucky I'm like a human thesaurus.

But ever still I'm forced to vent to a world of people I will never meet yet find solace in expressing myself to and for the first time I realize that I can't find some ideological answer to this dumbfounding question. Why do nice guys finish last? and , Why can't we be bad? SHIT WHY THE FUCK DO NICE GUYS FINISH LAST, I damn well know a good 90% of women lie to themselves everyday cause the "i want a nice funny guy" line makes me want to slap a hoe. If I even sense that I'm playing the nice guy who is gonna boost my confidence so I can show my ex what he's missing role I can flip into the OG asshole my fathers genetics passed along to me. Right now though I'm just trying to find out how to keep it on lol.

I got a new saying "Nice guys finish last the cool guy first while the bad boy is knocking down the hoes that was suppose to watch the race!" now tell me this aint true ........ dont worry I'll wait !

Friday, April 9, 2010

So ummmm how do I say this ok I think I got it........
Ever think you might have met someone that could be the one for you?
You know that person that for some reason understands the joke that had everyone else giving you the blank stare. In my short yet action/drama packed life I've come to realize that the things that bring people together are the things that go unsaid, those natural connections you make through random convo's that leave you thinking later on.

So I guess you get where I'm going with this one, if not geesh your slow catch up lol.
What are the things we look for when searching for "the one"? Funny & charismatic not conceded but confident with a witty intellect, strong and guarded yet once you get past that you see the person behind the veil. Those are the things I find myself drawn to I'll leave it to you to draw up your own and as usual we'll use mine as the test rat (#random but to the ppl who ask the adventures are coming along pretty well ur readin the blog so u got an idea lol).

I probably took this from someone else but I'm still going to call it mine lol, but there's a saying "you should look for someone who compliments your personality......" and I agree 100%. There's always the person who is your natural yin to your yang not to sound to cliché, it's pretty obvious that relationships are a balancing game a constant give and take, its when one is taking more than they're giving that the balance is off and everything goes all topsy turvy.

So who knows you better than you, right?

Sorry to say but I've been me for 23yrs and I'm still figuring out weird facts about my damn self. It has always been some outsider telling/showing me the little intricacies that make me, ME! An they usually start off with "Nigga I swear", "Lemme tell you something", or my personal fav "You are so..." thats the one that usually leads to a good convo *raises eyebrow* lol....

Who could tell me about me? I've been me for way to long to have someone tell me something I don't already know.
Bitch please, for anyone who has this running through there head. You will know when the right person comes in your life what I mean, cause when your in a relationship that a two person thing obviously lol. Its when you bring someone else into your life you learn the most about YOU, especially us men a woman will waste no time telling us about ourselves (black women i luv you cause yal dont hold back AT ALL).

Dlo why are you SINGLE?

If I knew this my blog would probably be a celeb gossip column lol hopefully that'll change though. The single life is fun till you remember your going home to a empty bed and no one to call in the morning.
#WordsOfAMan who knows tomorrow is not guaranteed I got it tatted on me "I'll dream I'll love I'll live and as long as remember that I'll live like there's no tomorrow"

Whats the point of living life without having someone to share it with? A question I could never answer lowkey dont even care lol


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Letter To My Future * censored for being to mushy* lol


"falling in love is like tripping in public when your drunk. you always feel a little bit confused and embarrassed but somehow your still smiling.
falling out of love is like watching million dollar baby for the first time as a paraplegic. you feel everything like your riding down the street in a some rust bucket with no shocks." DeAngelo Emory AKA Dlo duh

Yet for some reason the idea of going through life without the ability to feel all of the bumps in the road or not though i could never give up and neither should you?

So I know your wondering why I've wasted 5min of your valued reading time with a random quote and opinion well it's to set up the lowkey importance of this letter a letter I think a lot of ppl should make......

This is my letter to love or in other words whom ever you are with but i like the way it sounds to say Dear Love better. So in the future wen the road is smooth i can read it and smile, and when its so rough it feels like everything is going to fall apart i can look back and remember why i looked forward to falling in the first place.

Dear Love, (shut up i kno it sound corny lol)
So how should I start this, well first I'd like to apologize to whom ever you are about my snoring if I'm fucked up it will be rough and I will understand being pushed punched and or kicked to stop but fuck you in advance for the bruises lol. But I guess you would already know about the snoring if I'm all in love with you and stuff huh. Well I guess I should get to the point I always ramble when I have get mushy you probably know that too.
Thanks for falling for a dummy I know you've definitely had some moments with me that you probably thought WTF, I'm irritable at times definitely can be lazy and indecisive. So I'll make these simple promise's you'll never have to worry about where I'm at at night, I will always think your beautiful when another attractive women walks by regardless of what you think. And I will always leave the toilet seat up lol. I know most women typically want the charming Adonis who somehow finds a way to ride the line between touching and rough an tumble, but thats not me. So that makes me love you that much more because thats never been me, I'm the teddy bear that you had when you were young your dad gave you the one you grabbed when it got dark, the one you told your secret to. I'm the guy that will always make you laugh at the worst time an have to tell shut up and knows when to be quiet and hold you when your to hurt to talk, I'm not over protective but I definitely lose it if someone try's to take advantage of you, and will never let you forget why I love you. There's probably a good paragraph of mushy stuff I could say but I think I have said enough. An if your anything like my dream girl you would have told me to shut up at Dear, Love cause you act like your to tough (even tho you lowkey love it :~D )for all the mushy stuff so you'd read it to yourself when I wasn't around and tell me bout myself later and just so you know I love that about you.......




Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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