Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

life in 160 characters (my book exert)

"There once was a lady who lived in a shoe...." is the dumbest intro to a children story ever.
Who wants to her about a chick living in a shoe and it wasn't even a fly one I think it was just a boot, right. These are the storys we tell kids growing up, and we wonder why so many confused teenagers are running around.
But I do feel it now as kids we need that fantasy world to dive into, although a chick with kids living in a shoe is kind of morbid lol. Now we are all adults with bills, an relationships that don't start with the note saying do you like me yes or no any more, and jobs with managers that could use a good pistol whiping in my opinion (please be scared lol as a black man I can still snap at any moment BOO!!). Adults are suppose to be responcilble and be smarter than a 5th grader. Which is obvious were not due to Jeff Foxworthy pitting 30yr olds against kids who just got weened of elmer's glue an animal crackers and losing every week.
We as this new generation of dumb genius's have our own set of problem that weren't around just 20 some years ago. So I guess this is where the story begins, with me sitting hear waiting for a plane to take off to start this new life that I've been sick I'm so excited for (literally I had morning sickness like I was expecting or something). 8hrs til the rest of my life starts wait I may have to start at the begining so you can be on the same page as me, i already know your probably thinking wtf is he talking about.

See well it all started with a girl wait no that sounds lame, its started because my pimping was so outraguous she had to encrouch into my personal space an give me her information in hope that I would call her. "I'm Garret shawty, whats yo name"
"Tonya, shawty or is shorty yal southern niggas accent be funny"
See normally my Ga boy attitude would've came in an told her to suck a tampoon, BUT she was cute so I just gave her the witty charm and the obvious question. "Where you from SHAWTY" all while trying not to let her catch me looking at her booty in the reflection of a window all I can say is thank god for spandex a true miracle material.
So after a slight back an forth and exchanging of digits, facebooks, and twitters. Ok I'm just playing no social networking info was traded, but during the conversation I picked up on something.
1. Tonya just got out of a relationship of 2yrs with a guy named AK
2. AK is not his intials come to find out its the name of his favorite gun (i should've ran from that notification alone)
3.Tonya is the name of every girl I've fucked with that always meant trouble

Fast forward 2 weeks a couple dates and a one good night of sweat and wet sheets (YAY ME!!) I got to meet our friend AK. Who she neglected to say looked like a roided out Trick Daddy. Fast forward 35 mins from me an AK's meeting of the minds we met each others fist so now 15 mins before work I have a black eye something that looks like a bite mark on my shoulder and a new found respect for police. Mainly due for them letting me leave the back of the police car and keeping AK's hostile charocoal ass in one.
"Do I want to press charges, hell yea!"


Monday, October 26, 2009

sooner or later "so sick"

waitin for the ring tho
so why all the ne-yo
so why u still there
well is love worth the damage
you let love fall on u instead of fallin in it
an now ima tell u the truth
you got me so sick of luv jone's
put yo phone on silent cause i hate that ring tone
you pick up answer an then get mad
the lie's u tell yo self are the reasons i get mad
u want love well i got u
u need time
its wat eva i wont stop u
but if u go back to the pain and get hurt
dont fall again
cause ima drop u
give em his time, leave in ur prime
u gettin sick from bein ill
im so sick of ur luv song
get it together
im not yo man but if u dont love you
how ima do better?

NOTHIN AT ALL *jus a concept not finished yet*

INTRO: i think that we need time BEFORE we take this step
i cant keep runnin into the fray

look before u leap
i say think before u speak
that line was for u the reason why i cant sleep
who else could make this happen other then you
i shouldve known better
but i kept hearin

:this could be something
:this could be something
but really its jus nothin
NOTHIN at all
at all, at all

the lies we tell ourselves mid heartbreak
the truths told after the storm
we really meant
NOTHIN AT ALL (but this could be something)
but there u go lik a dream
wat could i think of
i gotta get you out of my mind
there it goes again (but this could be something)- 2x
i guess this is wat we make it

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thoughts of Sex

There's been gaps in my memory lately/
it must be you/ it must be the after affect of what you do to me/
no sweeter taboo/ no high that's compares/
you do justice to the word/
Sexy is your product/
you exhale arousal in the air/
Sweet ecstasy/
Mind numbing pleasure/
My mind thanks you/ for pushing imagination to the limits/
phone calls consist of your laugh/ and a what u wearing/
long distance/ longer nights/ i travel miles for that peak of sweat moans an bites/
sex is a word/ love is an emotion/
mixing them together can change lives/ for longer then mere moments/
lost in thoughts of sex/
if that makes any sense/
i want to give you my love/ in the bites that you adore/
your finally home /
let me remind you why clothes look best the next morning on the floor/
Mind on the run /excitement in my veins/
Your my addiction/ im your favorite type of pain/
say it now scream it/

This is a song i wrote minus hook an stuff lol it reads great as a poem so i tweeked it a lil an added some stuff wat u guys think?

Friday, October 9, 2009

7Pounds & the "what if game"

When I asked "what is a blog" a long time ago i got a bunch of different answers some made little sense an other summed it up pretty well.

My blog has become lowkey like my little journal an every now an then something hits me enough to put it words, so its pretty fitting for it to be call the adventure's of sir-lo, minus the sir part lol im not that old yet.

WATCHING 7 POUNDS WITH WILL SMITH AND ROSARIO DAWSON never a wise thing for me cause 1. I love the movie 2. Rosario sick makes me wanna just melt (one of my hollywood crushes lol) and 3. I'm a sucker for a emotional roller coaster movie and the last like 30 mins always gets me! (playing the what if game never meant so much)

Ok so i'm here at this point in life where only the biggest of the little big things are important if that makes any sense at all life sucks but some how im kind happy. My mom is sick an stronger then ever oxymoron i know, but its true. I'm semi working my ass an searching for a new job all to get ready for this hop an leap move to Orlando all to chase a dream that really never seemed like an option for someone like me, and then there's the adventure part.............

I guess I should blame my mom for letting me watch all those Romantic comedy's and my love for everything R&B ballad but I've always felt like a sucker for well Love. So after watching 7POUNDS and playing my own mental game of "what if" I realized something I think I'm falling in (ugh its even hard to type but fuk it) "I think I'm FALLING IN LOVE". To be honest though I like it no better than that I'm Lovin IT for the first time I'm feeling like really feeling I know there's a long way before I can tell her due to a lot of things but well let me put it how I did in "WHAT IF?" version "what if i said i loved you and you said it back, what if we got together...." and so on an so on. Well after much deliberation I realized something that would be the SHIITTT! LOL for the first time ever I AM SO DOWN FOR THAT IDEA SMH WATS IS I TO DO? IDK



Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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