Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Can anyone explain why staying up after 1am makes you think of all the things in life that are so small they matter lol?

Why is it that people have a need to be with someone? I was told by a pretty good source i.e. my mom "people need someone who can make them feel better about the things they see ass short comings". I've been thinking about it and I'm starting to see the truth in it, I know I am one of the dwindling number of people let alone men who recognizes that I'm at my best when there's someone in my life that I care about. So I guess the real question is, What does a person do when they don't have someone to love?

When your single yeah it's cool for the moment especially the times when your wild an don't have to worry about your actions lol yeah those are the best times to be single. But what about tomorrow? When sex is just sex but you just want someone to call an say lets go do something, the something that couples do the type where hand holding and the oh so dreaded Public Displays Of AFFECTION is done. For the people who have so much to give and no one to give it to being single is a stigma that can be described as a pain in the ass, stuck in the endless cycle of bad dates, first impressions, and no sex. Holy *bleep* I lowkey just got the hebe gebies dating now and days is like buying a pickle from a jar at some road stop you don't know what your getting till you sink your teeth in an by time you realize it you just wasted time and money on something you didn't want. If I could get a refund for every bad date I've gone on I could pay my rent for the next 2 or 3 months I swear! It takes so much for people now and days to start an relationship shit there's so much to look at, getting your hands on a person with little to no issues their life in some sort of order and has a personality to boot pssh I'd put a ring on it now if that one popped up lol. Well maybe not an actual ring but a commitment would be put in the works lol.

So the question is still in the air if you'd like to assist in that answer please email me at imsingle&
Til next time I'm Dlo and these are my adventure's !!!

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Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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