Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Crushes:The Good the Bad & the Ugly

ok i kno wat ur finna say "nigga where u been at" and i can honestly say BULLSHITIN round lol i been tweetin alot, alcohol is fun patron you my nigga *fab voice* , OTHER THAN THAT *DLO SHRUG*.......But as you know this is a real-ationship blog so of course I do have a rather juicy topic today (no homo lol) and due to me being away for so long I'm goin to jump right into it.

Crush:a burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special. (via Urban

Every one has had an hopefully been on the receiving end of a crush, if not all I can say is that your are weird but thank you for reading. Well if you're still wondering yes the dreaded CRUSH is my topic for the day, something so simple as an untamed desire can really mess with people now an days. I can attest to this due to my incessant need to find someone worthy of my time (oh shit i used a big word in the right context yes!!), see I think a crush is a wonderful thing everyone has them. Its cool just there are limits to the cuteness of a crush yeah it feels great to be on the on coming of a crush, BUT if you don't want whats coming your way no one can blame you.

I have a saying "having a crush is like getting dumber and feeling smarter at the same time". This was the first time I really realized I'm to smart for my own good, after this startling discovery I did my normal analytical breakdown and made different crush type categories. Here they are in all there "uh oh whichone am i" glory
  1. Natural Crush :~D
this is the natural interest in someone and the urge to want to know more
2. Obsessive Crush (*_*)
this this one where natural interest has creped its way into wanting to know everything and you find your self seeming stalker-ish (THIS IS THE TYPE THAT IS CONSIDERED UNHEALTHY LOL)
3.Jealous Crush -_-
this is the crush where you find yourself wanting someone you can't have and you have now become jealous of he/she (you kno wen u crushin an ur crush is diggin somebody else you kno u better than)
4. Lie Crush
unlike the other 3 the lie crush is far more complex due to you lying to yourself for whatever reason typically it's because you dont want it to be that person *shrug* you can't fight it
Ok now that all the categories have been broken down there are always some people who want to dispute them and you can all you want thats what the comment box is for lmao

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Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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