Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Okay people I know its been a min since my last blog, I guess I’m guilty of “Doin the Most” as of late. I really have had a lot of shit goin on you know the un-holy trinity of work, women, and bills so you know I’ve got tons of ish to talk about (finally, lol I’ve been havin a serious case of writers block). One of the main things in the trinity of un-holy craptastic shit that’s been buggin me lately has been the girlfriend not the I’m dating a girl, girlfriend but the home girl the one who gives “advice” if that’s what you can call it. This is wat I call a bitch “doin the most”…………………..

(Jus a lil fore warning ima bout to go hard cause bitches not women doin the most is a personal pet peeve of mine so if u find yo self upset in anyway eh wat can I do)

Early this week I want to say Monday I was called and verbally shit on by a chick who is of no farther importance due to lack of brain activity, and just like anyone who is on the other end of a phone during a ham secession I couldn’t help but think “ wat the fuk is this bitch talkin bout”. Then I heard it the chant moral support of the dreaded girlfriend the bff aka the broad that can’t get her shit together but is obviously licensed to give out quality relationship/men advice (or as I love to call em hoe shut the fuck up). Now I know what you’re thinking that was harsh D-lo OMG!!! An if you are you just maybe one of those “girlfriends”, but I digress as I was stating I was confused by this early shit feast until the girlfriend revealed herself. Now I understand taking advice from your friends believe me I’ve asked for my fair share, but there has to be a limit ask receive then translate that advice into how you feel but please DO NOT!! And I repeat DO NOT!! Let your bff become your puppet master, hand up ass all ventriloquist style spitting out there opinion as if it was fact cause they are more likely to fuck you up then I am.

Now on some nice guy kind of mentality I didn’t go off until I realized that we were no longer having a convo, I was just getting shot at like fish in a barrel ( I kno this is gonna sound random as hell but who the fuk made that sayin lik really in a barrel my dude fyl)and it was to the extent of the bff was telling her what to say the bitch was a savage in the background like a howler monkey or something. After I had my blackout and unleashed all the “niggatry” inside of me I was still pissed like “who the fuck allowed this bitch to speak” I mean really where the fuck they do that at, as a man I’ve never found myself needing a crutch to have a convo or get my point across but it makes it even worse when the topic of ham is complete bullshit. When are women around the globe going to grasp that sometime your “girlfriend?” is doing more harm than good think for a sec has her guidance ever gotten you the desired results is your man still in the picture or is he m.i.a after her last secession. Or even better question in her time as bff have you noticed her having a string of success or has she just been taking a break from relationships for a min (in other words niggas drive thru but never come in to dine lol).

In closing if any of the ish I spoke upon has hit home take my “advice” tell yo girlfriend yo bff to shut her ass the fuk up, or jus be nice/smart an stop listening. Don’t allow another chick to fuk up yo shit believe me you can do a great job at it all on your own trust me. And just a little teaser for wats up next on the Adventure of Sir-Lo……… “It must be Halloween or something cause if you’re not Whore why are you wearing one of their uniforms baby? I aint tryin to be rude, I’m just askin so I’ll know what to look for so I won’t make this mistake again……..” that’s right hoe talk people will I be callin em out maybe but eh wat can I do

1 comment:

  1. lol...i never had the girlfriend you speak of but i do know of a type. da ones who got all da advice but stability in their own shit!



Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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