Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"There's Something About M@ry"

Question of the day :

Why do woman stay in relationships that hurt them? Not the knock a broad up the head kinda hurt, but the emotional punch in the gut cryin over the phone but i still love him hurt. I know as a guy that its easy to take advantage of womans emotions when she's invested in me, BUT (and there's always a BUT) WHEN IS ENOUGH, ENOUGH. Its not lik theres not other Men (emphasis on men) out there who forgo all their faults are willing to give there all to making a relationship work, BUT (see what i mean lol ) for some reason you stay! Which both annoys me and makes me feel for you cause i know that its not worth it but i kinda admire the love it takes to keep tryin to make it work. BUT (LOL) it mainly just annoys me to literally sit an listenin/watch a woman slowly spiral down the path she's goin, all the while thinkin how much shit (and thats exactly what it is) the next guy's gonna have to wade through to get to know her, { SIDEBAR: lets give a name for woman it sounds so impersonal lol how bout back to my soapbox } its draining to meet mary, then like mary just have to deal with the baggage that was left from the craptastic rollercoaster ride that her last relationship was.

So why not leave is my question, i mean love is great an all but so is the sun, but if you happen to stare at that bitch to long you go blind and as women you have enough to deal with adding emotionally criple to the list dont sound like a smart move to me. SO what im tryin to say is, when the passion fades, the i love you's sound forced, the doubt/questions start forming in mary's mind, and Mary is reduced to breakin security codes to find out the dirt she been sweepin under the rug herself; it sounds like it time for Mary get the hell out of the fuckery she calls a relationship, and make her ass a tall drink of the alcholic fashion watch the notebook or some other Whoo-Sai type shit. That way when the next dude comes by thinkin " There's Something About Mary" the something wont be she nuts or controling but idk, shit somethin positive hopefully lol, BUT (last one i promise) if that is what he think you should prolly seek some proffessional help before attempting another baffonery relationship for everybody's sake lol.
>D-Lo 3G<

1 comment:

  1. i was so gonna blog about this today...this ish is sooo true!!!



Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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