Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Is there room to be Great: Drake

Alright this may seem a tad bit off base for the usual blogs I put out but I had to put this out there. So I just finished reading XXL's blogger Byron Crawfords blog on Drake "Was Drake created by the TI's" ( ) and it got me thinking about the state of music lately especially rap (due to every one's constant complaining about the watered down rappers that are making it on the scene). Then I read some of the comments that were left and I realized there are 1.) Too many internet gangsters/asshole’s 2.) Far too many avenues for haters to give their opinion, and finally 3.) No one wants to believe in the "magic" that is called talent any more.

I mean this may seem naïve to some but I do think that the ability to transform words into entertainment in any way while conveying a message or tell a story is an actual TALENT (shit some ppl lack basic convo skills let alone the balls to do it in front for the mass’s) . Then there’s the whole concept that he was made and there must be some shadowy organization making him so popular which is a complete laugh to me cause in that case introduce these niggas to some other nigga careers so they can spread the wealth shit but Bow Wow on he still wants to rap. What I’m trying to say is “Listen to my demo” lol a overused phrase but it meant something not to long ago I’m not saying that every mix tape feature and demo will have some hidden gem on it, but got damn why question/investigate a mothafukka when they finally get on the scene.

Its this bullshit that is making music so questionable now every rapper gotta fit a mold you can’t be you, who’s gonna believe you can make words rhyme an ride a beat if you’re not a hood nigga (that’s me bein sarcastic I tell em to blow it out they ass but eh who am I). So Drake is from Canada shit they got go weed up there, and he was on a tween series Degrassi shit he can’t rap then he don’t fit the mold well damn somebody has to be behind the nigga who hasn’t put out an album yet but has a single no a single two singles on the radio, and is opening for rappers who already got stripes, because we all know that talent doesn’t mean shit anymore or Does it? I mean who the Fuck is Aubrey Drake Graham (lol yea that his first name but shit the nigga spit hot fire like Dylan the Dillinger so who cares and yes that was and old making Da Band joke lol that nigga spit hot fire eh wat can u do) and why does he have so many fans it couldn’t be from grinding out and having the right connects and making some damn good music cause who the fuck does that any more right.

If you aren’t fitting in the mold here’s what you do MAKE YOUR OWN shit for brains. Every musician is compared to an earlier predecessor it only natural, but when you don’t fit a description you must be something new something different, yes if you’re thinking like me you already know the obvious tagline I’m about to say. You may have to be “Brand New” (oh yea and the nigga drake be singin lol where the fuk they do that at…. shit who care’s dude goes hard). I write that’s what I like no that’s what I love to do and I know that there are like a “gazillion” others who want to do the same thing just like there are in rap but only a few make it so when did we stop giving ovations and congratulations for someone with talent making head way in their field especially when it’s one that not everyone can attempt to be as accomplished in due to it being a *cough cough* TALENT. Who remembers what it was like to hear the phrase stuck in history “Please listen to my DEMO” cause aint nobody just make it they had that something that Je ne sais pas(yea I kno a lil French oui oui shawty lol) the it factor so it could be that Drake is it the guy that we’ve been waiting on to hit the refresh button on hip-hop leader of a school I guess will find out soon though see yall for the freshman class re-release cause XXL didn’t say nothing bout this transfer student.

“Im the pen and life is my paper”

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