Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Its weird the way life works

In early years they called it courting, then it became dating, now our relationships are based of fb status's and ish, (lol) its sad but kinda true. An in our era of 80's baby's we have slowly lost the urge to make relationships we merely make moments most of the time. Moments where we enjoy whats fresh, new, or maybe just cause we had the option. I guess what I'm tryin to say is that what happened to Relationships. Did we some how forget the basics, did we loss our mojo?

In a time where talkin is replaced by textin, and social networking sites, what do we do I mean really,(lol) Im tired of bad convo's, people who text better than they can talk wtf is that!! Iv had better convo's while smokin with some women. Am i part of the dwindling percent of people who enjoy talking and spur of the moment fun an im not even talkin bout the fun spur of the moment i.e. sex (lol). I mean the lets step out the box fuck papadeux's an a movie have a damn pinic spend that extra money you saved on a bottle of something or some of yo local weed man's finest (shit do both lol).... An make a connection invest somethin real into the relationship have a real-ationship (lol that was corny i kno) that way 4 and a half months later you can say that you ain't know, "Stacey's crazy", or " Anthony's a dog" cause thats shit that can easily be spotted out if u pay attention thus saving time, money, and the possibility of puttin out a restraining order (lol it some crazy meffer's out there).

Well till next time this is Dlo signin off, BaOW!!!!! LOL



Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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