Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Monday, June 8, 2009


I once read that fear is one of the main driving forces inn human decision making. An the older i get i the more iv come to realize how true that really is. I mean fear isn't a bad thing its kinda needed, a lack of fear doesn't make you braver, or give you the ability to jump tall buildings in a single bound (lol) even a man of steel has cracks in his armor. The key to fear in my opinion isn't to ignore it but to confront it (in laments terms balls the fuk up lol)................................... This psyc. 101 intro's purpose was to intro todays topic of this new phobia affecting young men world wide some call it being shy, nervous, or scary. Call me an ass if you want but I call it like I see it, and I say if it has two lips, bleeds once a month, and love/hate's a good Brazilian wax (lol) it must be a a pussy pardon my french.

These new age pussy niggas (lol wait let me change that dont wanna offend to many ppl lets rewind)........ saggin yssup egawen esehT, These new vaginal secretion ass niggas aka cats need our help!! Today at work around 3:20 ish (thats right I had to check the time) a kinda old head cat saw an attractive young damsel in the store, and while helpin his cheap ass find some jeans ( some $40 tacky look-a-like jeans by the way, but thats a topic for another day ugh) he proceeds to oggle the broad goodies askin if "that dude wit her" completely oblivious to the name tag around his neck that says SALES, and helpin her look for her size. Well I could tell he wanted to get at her but was to much of a cat nigga to try so while he tried on his $40 jean( oh an did i say how he proclaimed he to much swag to wear levi's cause they look cheap ugh wat a true vaginal secretion ass nigga and another reason I HATE the use of swag cause the wrong motha*bleepers* are sayin it lol but back to the story)

I proceeded to flirt wit the young thug miss ( I work at underground so its all i get to work wit lol not complainin tho hood chick good at rollin shit some fuk's wit Miss Jane more then me) who decides to bestow her number in my cellular device right around the time the cat nigga walks out the dressin room and thats when I noticed the slightly salty look on his cousin skeeter lookin face [WARNING: if you have a low hater tolerance, seasoned salt is about to be thrown) this shit for brains ass nigga goes from pussy nigga to hater lik that I mean LIKE THAT (snap yo fingers fast lol). Now I've dealt wit hater's before but never the sneak attack hate this nigga was slingin. The line that I had to high 5 em on was " She gave up the digits, guess some bustit's like bigboys" ( thats right u read correctly BUSTit's) shit had me trippin for a sec til he aint have enough to get his outfit an had to put shit back, (haters never prosper) and i simmered down enough to notice Hey I'm cooler than him why waste my energy (lol)! To make a long story short Score D-Lo 1 Hater 0, but it did open my eyes to something cat niggas jus lik any nigga who lackin in life can become pariah's upon there fellow man or what our generation has so eloquently put it Hater's. So please everyone spread the word, lets help saves these bitch nigglets before they become self aware ( lol, like skynet a terminator joke for the confused out there) and start tryna takeout real niggas who tryin to make moves with they life instead of bein a spectator lik there sideline mofo's out . Oh an before i forget since i know its somebody out there doin it right now "Hi Hater!!"

SIGNIN OFF D-Lo 3G "beam me up scottie"

1 comment:

  1. like da old cliche goes "if they aint hatin, you aint doin sumn right" fuck em!!!! you sexy Lo!!!lol



Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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