Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Being Single is only good on the weekends! lol

ever just hate your luck? I know I do all the time my life always seems to go right in one aspect and then go south in another, I've come to accept my natural heart on the shoulder nature but its backlash can be a real bitch! An with my luck it always becomes an issue well that and my taste in women being so exquisite lol, I find myself wondering "why me" more every day. An thats the thing that piss's me off the most, to realize no matter who I meet im stuck in this cycle of unavailable women lol. I don't know whether its karma for being a dog at one point or life just telling me be SINGLE! Both suck majorly like Superhead in the early years is all I can say.

I can't see myself being the same way I was just last year, the club is like going to a playground you got tired of as a kid to me, hoes are fun but lack a certain lets hang out and watch movies on a saturday type thing lol, and drinking and smokin with friends is cool but when nobody there when you go home its just a rude realization....Being single is only fun on the weekends! lol

Well thats all i guess anymore and i may jus have to smoke another blunt to clear my head....changing this into a journal was a good idea tho lol it felt good to get shit off my chest for a change lol

Saturday, August 28, 2010

So you will know....READ PLS

So for the many of you who have stated the obvious by now, I know i haven't posted anything in a good month an a half and there is a pretty reasonable answer to that. I simply ran out of things to say it sucks but I can actually say I may never find a person who will end my "adventure's". I know I know I'm such a catch how does that happen blah blah blah lol, but I don't really know this year has been a weird slightly life changing one I officially launched my first website aka like the bestest site in the whole world wide web. I tried a long distance relationship that ended about as good as it could get I guess and I figured out what I wanna be in life. At 23 I am more than confident in my abilities I'd say I'm damn near cocky!

so this is where the adventures change so id keep reading......

When your young you care about what people think about you, whats cool, who's cute, who fucking who, and everything else you can find in a teen mini drama. Then I think at a certain age or point in life you slowly lose interest in it all you still care but you choose to ignore it. I made this blog 2years ago and it slowly helped me realize a lot about myself, these post that have kept you entertained but have become more like journal entry's for me I can't not reminisce a little bit. So obviously the next question you guys probably have is if you don't have anything to talk what are you gonna do with "the adventure's"?

Well much like most of the things in my life I've grown attached to I can't let go and lowkey I have come to like being able to spill the mush and confusion in my head, its a release that I didn't expect to love as much as I do. This was my first blog, my first trip into doing something for myself, The Adventure's of Sir Lo the Coolest is never going to end, just change, change into something a lot more personal and will feel more real than before.

These are my entries into my journal for the rest of the world to see, hopefully enough of you guys understand or can connect with the things going on in my life and by all means comment on the post if you want to. As of today the Adventure will never be the same....

Saturday, July 3, 2010

B!tc# you dumb! smh lol

I could go on forever about the sad state I see things lately, we live a life where the lies we tell ourselves are both more damaging and dumber than the onces the person we care for use. Women are pro's at calling out a liar but rarely catch themselves in their own. As a man we except the whole men lie, cheat and other doggish shit title that comes along with the fact that we have dicks. Even though there are literal 40 year old virgins out there they fall in the same category, why because they have the dread yet loved penis (NO HOMO LOL).
  1. I like nice guys....Survey say: FALSE that is a proven lie lol
If women liked nice guys the jock who hung nerds by they HANES like Christmas ornaments wouldn't be the getting pussy like it was a sweepstakes give away. Then there the lies women trick themselves into believing when in relationships idk when this became so popular but women going against womens intuition is like a wide spread pandemic. So now I can say my list of pet peeves can be extended to super slores who think they're not and women who lie to themselves lol.

Well thats a good question, well i hate it due to womens ability to forget that they just got shitted on or my personal fav the 3rd chance lol. Back in the old days I dont know how it worked but I know if it happens once shame on you, and well you get the point. Now and days a bitch will take her emotional needs to another nigga and thus giving him 20% and a nigga will go far enough to put up that 80%, but all the time to be expected to fall back when the nigga who gave 30% comes back to get his 70% chick back. After some convo and dick a chick can an typically fall right back into they role.

What makes you feel so adamant about this?
Cause for the first time in a min I'm seeing it happen and I dodged out of it (salty-ly ima admit lol), sorry I can't be any females emotional tampon cuddle buddy I am not lol.

This has been a random but needed update in the life of "Sir-Lo" lol, now I must go to sleep and dream if Keri Hilson #DontJudgeMe lmao

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This close to hittin eHarmony! LOL

I know its been a while since my last post, and some of y'all are probably getting tired of me using that line I know lol. Well you can blame writers block for that lately I've been hella stuck, I think I'm losing my interest in the whole relationships topic and I don't know if it is due to me lacking someone or something in that category or what.

It seems the older you get the more difficult it is to find someone who you can click with a nigga damn near went to eHarmony I swear those commercials simultaneously annoy me and bring out the 1% hater in me lol. At some point partying and random women have lost its luster although its fun there has got to be more to life! I mean how many booties in shorts and tits can a dude really look at lol, at some point between the latest club banger and sobering up I've come to realize how important it is to have someone in your life thats more than sex and a good time (weird right lol).

At what point this officially hit me I don't know but I know I'm not the only one, a lot of my man hoe consorts have been thinking the same damn thing lol. Then I had this random Drake line pop in my head "being part of this life i feel like im bound to be with somebody who's been with everybody" and then shit got real! Why? Is it cause I'm looking for some pure virginal female, no thats not it lol. I think I've just gotten tired of half ass relationships, I want more I want a Real-ationship (throwback phrase from 09 lol) it feels great to be able to talk to someone about any and everything and not get tired, to sit and say nothing, to have a real reason to argue, simply put to have someone worth the time and energy. Games are fun to play sure, thats why I own UNO cards lol, but other than that we have got to do better.

When your alone on a Tuesday night with no one to talk to that you actually want to talk to, twitters over capacity, nothing is on tv and find yourself randomly looking at albums on facebook it will hit you. Being single is fun on the weekends and wild nights when you don't have to think about your actions, being single is the worst on a Saturday when you don't want to go to the club and all yo friends are boo'd up. Being single is exactly that you are SINGLE your only worry is yourself, your only comfort on lonely nights is yourself.

At some point everyone gets tired of playing by themselves so you find a partner in crime Bonnie & Clyde type shit you know....

Friday, June 11, 2010


WARNING: So this will be my first slightly bias blog on a subject so please bear with me and if i offend you
I apologize in advance...

So this week I have had two of the same conversations multiple times, to the point that by time Thursday hit all women were starting to annoy me, like seriously I actually ignored phone calls to avoid hearing a female voice yesterday.
I know your thinking "Dlo wtf say it already....." well the two convo's were about sex and money to keep it short.
Sex aka the new root of all evil is slowly making men and women look at each other like strangers, apparently all men want is sex and any woman who has too much of it is a hoe -_- I HATE HEARING THIS "IGNATE" SHIT! It makes whoever believes it 10 times dumber to me because this is the strerotype we have placed on people who have sex and in that case a lot of people's mama's are hoes and yo daddy aint shit lol.

Then there's money aka bitch get out my pocket. In 5 days I've had very gold diggerish convo's with 8 females that at one point I respected, correction semi respected lol. See they all had this one thing in common "if a man can't support me what is he worth, dick aint that good" (the broad that said that automatically lost me lol).

So these two topic with women always seem to make me wanna kick a bitch in her box with steel toe boots on. 1 I'd like to say sex has been one of the worlds number one trending topic's even before twitter, yes men think about and are willing to have it pretty much anytime, BUT to make the assumption that thats all we want annoys me. 2 If I wanted to fuck I wouldn't waste time feeding, talking, and entertaining the notion of being with a female, that's what Hoe's are for yes people hoe's do have a very important job lol. Then there's the whole men are dogs issues because of whatever reason there different for every Y chromosome owner. I say this a good once a week please "don't blame me for yo bad taste". I really want to go in on this topic but not on a blog no one would read something that long lol.

The real meat of this blog is Money (golddiggers) I grew up poor and from nothing so I understand completely the importance of money, but for a growing number of young gold miners judging and only date men who are able to support them has become a way of life. I literally know a hoe who always has short ass relationships and always try an complain to me about how men are dogs so I decided to look back at all her niggas an I noticed they was all young niggas with money who basically caked her the whole time. An when I brought this up she said alot of nothing but her main thing was she can only date attractive men with money and aren't scared to spend it on her. Of course my question was what the fuck do you do for them and she said do "what women do for men" which really could mean anything fucking, cleaning, cooking well not cooking she could burn water I swear. So this convo went spiraling down as you can guess and I realized by Wednesday I had the same convo with 7 other women. Needless to say I have now decided to lock my wallet if i see any tell tales signs of gold digging.

I know there are women who aren't as focused on money as the diggers are but hot damn that shit is both sad and unfortunate cause I def see the divorce rates staying where they are in that

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Dream Girl Unicorn Phenomenon!

I know your probably wonder WTF is The Dream Girl Unicorn Phenomenon! So I'll just jump right into it......

She's so easy to fall for, she has a natural grace and sex appeal that can't be denied and she's only single once in a blue moon. Every man at some point bumps into one of these practical unicorns of women, it's one of the few times where as men we'd stack our pro's and con's together to see if we could be on par for what a woman like her could want. We'd actually want to be better just for her. She is the perfect woman funny, smart, witty, family oriented, and so drop dead gorgeous you sometimes get caught off guard by the fact she's so nonchalant about it. A model who want to run for governor or the songstress who could take over the world the pre med student who was put in maxim home town hotty's lol each man has his own unicorn running about you could say.

This is the first time the concept has really ever popped in my head until a recent interaction with my first "unicorn" lmao. I remember my uncle telling me the story about this woman who in a lack of better words made him go gaga no lady lol, and I never really understood. See as a man as sad as it seems women are like extreme sports or summit peaks there is a natural urge to conquer and stamp them with the I HAVE BEEN HERE flag. So we go about or usual routine's of being a dog you sniff tree's you piss here the usual lol, until you meet a girl who some how begin's to leash you and your happy with it. But after you've been let of the leash your a different type dog you forgive but never forget always hesitant when one reaches for you collar (that was a pretty damn good allegory i must say). So when you bump into this random flint spark of hope that is the dream girl unicorn phenomenon its noticeable. Its like seeing in black and white but she's in color vibrant and elusive, I damn near wanted to check an see if her feet even touched the ground. An after you meet her its similar to falling in slow motion, you knew from the first convo that you were hooked and didn't give SHIT!

That is the power the dream girl has, so of course your probably wondering so why not go for it right? Well just like all great things there are task you must perform and with the dream girl the task will always be something out of reach something that makes you realize a big short coming. An that will not go away till you make it till you better yourself but here's the thing about the dream girl that makes her so elusive during all of this there's her dream guy running around to and that nigga well got damn look at it like this remember when you first saw Will & Jada yeah boss shit lol. So of course you don't actually catch the unicorn unless your Jay-Z, and thats some one in a million type shit so that don't count lol.
"She came into a world that was black & white and showed me what life could be like in color. I could never be perfect, but she showed me for the right one one day I could make perfect an understatement"- DeAngelo Emory

Monday, May 17, 2010

"THANK GOD FOR BLOGGING" venting edition (-_-)

You ever set yourself up for failure and get disappointed...I did and it sucks, I know I haven't been performing my blogging duties like I should but life been laying the 1 2 combo on me. You have no idea how many drafts are sitting in my box right now (the counts 12 lol) making a relationship blog like this was fun at the beginning now though *sigh* its like a warped fun house mirror lol. I really lack the actual zeal (one of my words for the day) to keep it going even though it's keeping money in my pocket lol. I knew it was bad when I actually thought of getting a real job!

So I don't know what this blog is going to be about to be honest, really at the moment you will be reading the vent of a frustrated black man lol. Shit its probably more entertaining then the mediocre stuff I've been posting lately anyway, I think I've lost my writers edge I blame a poor diet and stress lol. I've come to realize I don't talk to anyone when I can't deal with life and its bitch fits (thank god for blogging). I guess I can tell you guys this due to some of you actually showing interest in it, well I finished the script I was working on and after reading it and I MEAN ALL OF IT 592 pages I realized I may actually have a future in this. I've lowkey given up my social life to sit behind this cpu to make this happen never really telling the people in my life that this is what I've been doing, I'm not drinking an smoking my days away thats just my leisure activity lol.

So I'm happy I finished an can submit for a copyright *pats self on back* it feels good to know I can soon tell people to suck my *bleep* I'm tired of people looking for an explanation for what I'm doing with my life. Then there's the one thing that lowkey happy during my hobbit time "her" lol. She had me hopeful for a relationship that didn't include keystroke's and imaginary characters and dialog but that fell apart like some cheap dollar store toy. One word ugh! So I guess I am back where I started minus the support group that I could lean on like usual but solo has always been the story of my life.....

well i guess til next time hopefully sooner than later


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Idk whether it's the constant flow of r&b and loneliness or the natural urge to reach out to wounded women but i have to say i wish i was different. The definition of a bleeding heart probably has my picture by it that and sucker lol. See I realized being raised by a bunch of single women and having a candidate for dead beat father of the year, that I don't want to be that guy. You know the guy the fucks anything and everything the guy who lies time and time again, the guy that didn't know she went home and cried that night, yeah that guy. So I've lowkey always been the Captain Save-A-Hoe in a male sense which gets me hurt just as easy as the chick in some cases, mainly due to the natural urge to want to make a woman happy. Thats where the sucker part comes in more like a Sucker For Love lol its pretty obvious, I'm a 23 yr old writer with a relationship blog/lowkey journal lol.

So sitting here lowkey salty I never get the girl highkey annoyed that Im salty, I am forced to learn from my failures finally. In a world where nice guys finish last why do I for some reason continue running uphill trying to prove this anomaly wrong, well Im a sucker for punishment for one but why can't I change? I've done it before to get what I want but I have yet to reach the point where I can make it stick, I guess the point Im making is WHY CAN'T I BE A ASSHOLE? The bad guy who is able to swoop in and mysteriously drop panties and steal hearts without a conscience, and why is it that those types are the ones being chased? The nigga in me blood boils when I hear the stupidity that leaks out of womens mouths about men do you know how many times I've listened to the sob stories and had to sugar coat BITCH ARE YOU STUPID! I'd like to say thats not easy at all cause there aren't many ways to say that nicely lol so their lucky I'm like a human thesaurus.

But ever still I'm forced to vent to a world of people I will never meet yet find solace in expressing myself to and for the first time I realize that I can't find some ideological answer to this dumbfounding question. Why do nice guys finish last? and , Why can't we be bad? SHIT WHY THE FUCK DO NICE GUYS FINISH LAST, I damn well know a good 90% of women lie to themselves everyday cause the "i want a nice funny guy" line makes me want to slap a hoe. If I even sense that I'm playing the nice guy who is gonna boost my confidence so I can show my ex what he's missing role I can flip into the OG asshole my fathers genetics passed along to me. Right now though I'm just trying to find out how to keep it on lol.

I got a new saying "Nice guys finish last the cool guy first while the bad boy is knocking down the hoes that was suppose to watch the race!" now tell me this aint true ........ dont worry I'll wait !

Friday, April 9, 2010

So ummmm how do I say this ok I think I got it........
Ever think you might have met someone that could be the one for you?
You know that person that for some reason understands the joke that had everyone else giving you the blank stare. In my short yet action/drama packed life I've come to realize that the things that bring people together are the things that go unsaid, those natural connections you make through random convo's that leave you thinking later on.

So I guess you get where I'm going with this one, if not geesh your slow catch up lol.
What are the things we look for when searching for "the one"? Funny & charismatic not conceded but confident with a witty intellect, strong and guarded yet once you get past that you see the person behind the veil. Those are the things I find myself drawn to I'll leave it to you to draw up your own and as usual we'll use mine as the test rat (#random but to the ppl who ask the adventures are coming along pretty well ur readin the blog so u got an idea lol).

I probably took this from someone else but I'm still going to call it mine lol, but there's a saying "you should look for someone who compliments your personality......" and I agree 100%. There's always the person who is your natural yin to your yang not to sound to cliché, it's pretty obvious that relationships are a balancing game a constant give and take, its when one is taking more than they're giving that the balance is off and everything goes all topsy turvy.

So who knows you better than you, right?

Sorry to say but I've been me for 23yrs and I'm still figuring out weird facts about my damn self. It has always been some outsider telling/showing me the little intricacies that make me, ME! An they usually start off with "Nigga I swear", "Lemme tell you something", or my personal fav "You are so..." thats the one that usually leads to a good convo *raises eyebrow* lol....

Who could tell me about me? I've been me for way to long to have someone tell me something I don't already know.
Bitch please, for anyone who has this running through there head. You will know when the right person comes in your life what I mean, cause when your in a relationship that a two person thing obviously lol. Its when you bring someone else into your life you learn the most about YOU, especially us men a woman will waste no time telling us about ourselves (black women i luv you cause yal dont hold back AT ALL).

Dlo why are you SINGLE?

If I knew this my blog would probably be a celeb gossip column lol hopefully that'll change though. The single life is fun till you remember your going home to a empty bed and no one to call in the morning.
#WordsOfAMan who knows tomorrow is not guaranteed I got it tatted on me "I'll dream I'll love I'll live and as long as remember that I'll live like there's no tomorrow"

Whats the point of living life without having someone to share it with? A question I could never answer lowkey dont even care lol


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Letter To My Future * censored for being to mushy* lol


"falling in love is like tripping in public when your drunk. you always feel a little bit confused and embarrassed but somehow your still smiling.
falling out of love is like watching million dollar baby for the first time as a paraplegic. you feel everything like your riding down the street in a some rust bucket with no shocks." DeAngelo Emory AKA Dlo duh

Yet for some reason the idea of going through life without the ability to feel all of the bumps in the road or not though i could never give up and neither should you?

So I know your wondering why I've wasted 5min of your valued reading time with a random quote and opinion well it's to set up the lowkey importance of this letter a letter I think a lot of ppl should make......

This is my letter to love or in other words whom ever you are with but i like the way it sounds to say Dear Love better. So in the future wen the road is smooth i can read it and smile, and when its so rough it feels like everything is going to fall apart i can look back and remember why i looked forward to falling in the first place.

Dear Love, (shut up i kno it sound corny lol)
So how should I start this, well first I'd like to apologize to whom ever you are about my snoring if I'm fucked up it will be rough and I will understand being pushed punched and or kicked to stop but fuck you in advance for the bruises lol. But I guess you would already know about the snoring if I'm all in love with you and stuff huh. Well I guess I should get to the point I always ramble when I have get mushy you probably know that too.
Thanks for falling for a dummy I know you've definitely had some moments with me that you probably thought WTF, I'm irritable at times definitely can be lazy and indecisive. So I'll make these simple promise's you'll never have to worry about where I'm at at night, I will always think your beautiful when another attractive women walks by regardless of what you think. And I will always leave the toilet seat up lol. I know most women typically want the charming Adonis who somehow finds a way to ride the line between touching and rough an tumble, but thats not me. So that makes me love you that much more because thats never been me, I'm the teddy bear that you had when you were young your dad gave you the one you grabbed when it got dark, the one you told your secret to. I'm the guy that will always make you laugh at the worst time an have to tell shut up and knows when to be quiet and hold you when your to hurt to talk, I'm not over protective but I definitely lose it if someone try's to take advantage of you, and will never let you forget why I love you. There's probably a good paragraph of mushy stuff I could say but I think I have said enough. An if your anything like my dream girl you would have told me to shut up at Dear, Love cause you act like your to tough (even tho you lowkey love it :~D )for all the mushy stuff so you'd read it to yourself when I wasn't around and tell me bout myself later and just so you know I love that about you.......



Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Crushes:The Good the Bad & the Ugly

ok i kno wat ur finna say "nigga where u been at" and i can honestly say BULLSHITIN round lol i been tweetin alot, alcohol is fun patron you my nigga *fab voice* , OTHER THAN THAT *DLO SHRUG*.......But as you know this is a real-ationship blog so of course I do have a rather juicy topic today (no homo lol) and due to me being away for so long I'm goin to jump right into it.

Crush:a burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special. (via Urban

Every one has had an hopefully been on the receiving end of a crush, if not all I can say is that your are weird but thank you for reading. Well if you're still wondering yes the dreaded CRUSH is my topic for the day, something so simple as an untamed desire can really mess with people now an days. I can attest to this due to my incessant need to find someone worthy of my time (oh shit i used a big word in the right context yes!!), see I think a crush is a wonderful thing everyone has them. Its cool just there are limits to the cuteness of a crush yeah it feels great to be on the on coming of a crush, BUT if you don't want whats coming your way no one can blame you.

I have a saying "having a crush is like getting dumber and feeling smarter at the same time". This was the first time I really realized I'm to smart for my own good, after this startling discovery I did my normal analytical breakdown and made different crush type categories. Here they are in all there "uh oh whichone am i" glory
  1. Natural Crush :~D
this is the natural interest in someone and the urge to want to know more
2. Obsessive Crush (*_*)
this this one where natural interest has creped its way into wanting to know everything and you find your self seeming stalker-ish (THIS IS THE TYPE THAT IS CONSIDERED UNHEALTHY LOL)
3.Jealous Crush -_-
this is the crush where you find yourself wanting someone you can't have and you have now become jealous of he/she (you kno wen u crushin an ur crush is diggin somebody else you kno u better than)
4. Lie Crush
unlike the other 3 the lie crush is far more complex due to you lying to yourself for whatever reason typically it's because you dont want it to be that person *shrug* you can't fight it
Ok now that all the categories have been broken down there are always some people who want to dispute them and you can all you want thats what the comment box is for lmao

twitter awards

  1. cant_be_tamed
  2. iamgbake
  1. lovejori
  2. shanbonita
  3. KillaKamryn
  4. Quen713
  1. futuristiktuck vs sarangela "and down goes fraizer" via@no_feelingz
  1. iFollowYouNSHIT
  2. deecole24
  3. padrock504
  1. lala1030
  2. lucKEi7
  3. lovejori
  4. sexilexi
  5. high_n_fly

  1. sarangla
  2. tru_torie
  3. Akidnamedsheezy

  1. mr_codered
  2. dlothegreat
  3. adamnfool
  4. behalf
  5. iFollowYouNSHIT
  7. TyMulahBaaaby
  1. HOLLYandherEGO
  2. champlife
  1. ladylovedove
  2. iShockaHo
  3. king2434


SHOUTOUT TO SEXILEXI, IAMDADUDE88,BLISS CLOTHING CJ THE FLY GUY, dazzington, c_eezy, itsmikeybee23 and er body who supported the twitter awards lol

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

160 characters life love & everything in between (book)

"There once was a lady who lived in a shoe...." is the dumbest intro to a children story ever.
Who wants to her about a chick living in a shoe and it wasn't even a fly one I think it was just a boot, right. These are the story's we tell kids growing up, and we wonder why so many confused teenagers are running around.
But I do feel it now as kids we need that fantasy world to dive into, although a chick with kids living in a shoe is kind of morbid .
Now we are all adults with bills, an relationships that don't start with the note saying do you like me yes or no any more, and jobs with managers that could use a good pistol whipping in my opinion, please be scared as a black man I can still snap at any moment BOO! Apparently adults are suppose to be responsible and be smarter than a 5th grader. Which is obvious were not due to Jeff Foxworthy pitting 30yr olds against kids who just got weened of elmer's glue an animal crackers and losing every week.
We as this new generation of dumb genius's have our own set of problem that weren't around just 20 some years ago. So I guess this is where the story begins, with me sitting hear waiting for a plane to take off to start this new life that I've been sick I'm so excited for, literally I had morning sickness like I was expecting or something.
8hrs til the rest of my life starts wait I may have to start at the beginning so you can be on the same page as me, I already know your probably thinking what the fuck is he talking about.

See well it all started with a girl wait no that sounds lame, its started because my pimping was so outrageous she had to encroach into my personal space an give me her information in hope that I would call her. Yeah I like that one.
"I'm Garret shawty, whats yo name"
"Tonya, shawty or is it shorty yal southern niggas accent be funny"
See normally my Ga boy attitude would've came in an told her to suck a tampon, BUT she was cute so I just gave her the witty charm and the obvious question. "Where you from then SHAWTY?" all while trying not to let her catch me looking at her booty in the reflection of a window all I can say is thank god for spandex a true miracle material.
So after a slight back an forth and exchanging of digits, facebooks, and twitters. Ok I'm just playing no social networking info was traded, but during the conversation I picked up on something.
1. Tonya just got out of a relationship of 2yrs with a guy named AK
2. AK is not his initials come to find out its the name of his favorite gun I should have ran from that notification alone
3.Tonya is the name of every girl I've talked to that always meant trouble

Fast forward 2 weeks a couple dates and a one good night of sweat and wet sheets (YAY ME!!) I got to meet our friend AK. Who she neglected to say looked like a "roided" out Trick Daddy. Fast forward 35 min from me an AK's meeting of the minds we met each others fist so now 15 min before work I have a black eye something that looks like a bite mark on my shoulder and a new found respect for police. Mainly due for them letting me leave the back of the police car and keeping AK's hostile charcoal ass in one.
"Do I want to press charges, hell yea!".

Fast forward another 30 min and a pretty embarrassing conversation with my man hating manager from hell, I find myself holding my Gatorade to my eye sweating bullets of sweat an grease wondering, how the hell did I end up like this? An after several cigarettes an rubbing the bruised eye for the thousandth time it hit me.........
Well not literally obviously but some how my bad taste in women has been the bane of my existence, at 22 I am officially tired of the bullshit. Women have gotten off easy on this whole relationship, courting or whatever you want to call it for way to long. We pay for the date, we have to make small talk, we have to have this and that but at the same time we are the reason they are so "difficult", constantly lying and cheating and never cleaning up geesh we're so terrible. And then it hits me, I should really write all of this down just to prove how serious I am when I say I can't get a break. So I decided I'm gonna make a journal and write about all this shit, just to keep track of all this nuttiness I go through. The first entry should definitely be titled "Stick & Move" ugh this shit hurts............

this is the draft from the first couple pages from my book "160 character life love and everything in between" some of you guys dug it enuf to email me bout it so here's the update email me at i do go thru em all an respond if its not about anything stupid lol

Monday, March 15, 2010


im afraid
im alone
im angry
these are the simple things
when your afraid you search for someone
when your alone you fall farther into fear
when im afraid i get angry
who can save me from the fear that has pinned me to despair....
Im to ashamed to pray
Im to withdrawn to reach out
Im lost and hurt
to hurt to scream out
these are the hard things
when your to broken to have hope
when you feel so alone you only have yourself
when your lost in the pain
thats when your to hurt to scream out
What do you do when life has crippled your heart and tears down your body?
You Fight
you curse
you fall
you breakdown
You pray when there is nothing left in you to fight with
when your fear makes you angry enough to scream out
I need you
when your so lost in it all you reach out to him
and tear the hope you casted away back into your heart
from the ashes of life layed a once broken man
walking from the ashes emerges hope, heart, and deliverance
A imperfect perfection
steps from being great but to blind to see it
"its not about the fall its what you do when you get up"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fools Rush In......

"Wise men say only fools rush in..... "
I never thought a Elvis song and a movie with Mathew Perry would be the things that made me realize the biggest thing I think we've forgotten. In a day an era where everything is taken for granted how could love be any different we romanticize love with stories from era's where it seemed at its purest, but whats so different between then and now?
Why did it seem so much easier long ago and when did we make it into such a hassle?
I have a saying, your only able to fall in love when you dumb yourself down enough to trip. When was the last time you felt smart while falling, I'd say its lowkey a oxymoron to say your smart when in love. You loss track of time, and a sense of you when "falling in love" how else would it be possible to do it love in all consideration is when your at your dumbest/craziest. You've never heard of a genius at love but we've all heard of being love struck or crazy in love. Thats because love makes no sense you can't describe it with simple words so we're forced to add some sense of confusion to it that where we get crazy, mad, dumb love it also explain why young love is the most difficult to understand.
So your probably wondering where's my point well I guess my point is that in this day and age we have lost a large part of the wonder and stupidity needed to fall into loves bitter sweet clutches. We have stepped so far into this sense of independence and self indulgences that we have lowkey forgotten how to dumb ourselves down an let romance and whimsy take its course. Magic isn't real but the illusion of it still can leave you dumbfounded if you let it, I think part of the answer to everyone's myself included in finding love is allowing yourself to fall, be stupid, be daring, do the opposite of what your suppose to do. In life you have two options when dealing with loves bitch slap, you can either use your brain or your heart. Learning when to listen to them is the important part. So I guess in the end this is one of those times I'd love to be a FOOL hmph sound fun to me :)
"Wise men say only fools rush in but I can't help falling in love with you......"

Thursday, February 25, 2010

en la lujuria con Cleopatra

In heels she stands a good 5'10
her favorite fragrance is glow mixed with old number 7
Coco would look love her
my eye's cant get enough
i didn't fall for her i was pushed
i could try and force her from my system but cold turkeys just to tough
she's the Cleopatra of this era and I'd gladly follow
knee's were made to bend but around her they just buckle
exquisite, tasteful, and decadent
la lujuria es más que una palabra es el estilo de vida que quiere vivir con ella en españo
I want to live in lust with her forever
forever and a day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Will You Let Me Love YOU?

I only say this cause I know its true,
let me make a liar out you!
Prove the truth
you can't fall in love, love will fall for you.
Your to broken to love was what you said,
but this was before i introduced myself to you.
You smile in half's to scared to give me the whole.
When you laugh I'm at my happiest
when your eye's cascade down to the floor
my heart drops even lower.
I need nothing from you but you
I want nothing for you but the world
the only dream I want to give you is love
to prove you wrong I want nothing from you
I just ask one thing
Will You Let Me Love YOU?


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ok idk wat to call this but like a update i guess lol

So today was a big day for me I found my favorite bic lighter ("flick my bic" lol the 9yr old in me always chuckles when I spark up),I had my interview with UPS after being unemployed for 4 months an burning through the little saving I had I'll gladly throw some box's now lol. Oh and i almost forgot my ex called me a fucking liar and a waste of her time then said she missed me, and I can honestly say I've never hung a phone up in someones face before with such vigor hmmmmm I can still hear her trying to speak and the subtle clicking sound that led into the dial tone. So other than that I know your probably thinking well damn he happy single and finally over the ex I guess the Adventure of Sir-lo are coming to and end he's gonna club his life away again.
  1. im still single gettin use to it *side eye* lol
  2. i am happy enjoyin life somewhat although i do miss the feeling of being a "baller" on a budget of course lol
  3. yep over the ex completely she could call/write/text/email/gmail/sky write/skype/tweet or watev me and i couldnt give two squirts of duck shit :) lol #eww
  4. i am clubbin more but not really im on a twice a week basis
  5. well there is no 5 i jus hit enter an said fuck it lol
So after blogging about a year of my life not much has changed in my life the adventures took a slight pause during the blank period that was called being boo'd up, but now I'm back on the hunt an realizing one big thing dating sucks!! I honestly wish I was born in like the 4o's or 50's minus all the racial division of course lol but that time period was one where a hard working straight forward guy like myself would've really been a hit in. I know that sounded corny but now and days I don't whether its me or just women in general I can only deal with certain one's. Like when did the art of conversation die and the gift of gab take over? I literally had to bite my tongue so I could stay awake a the table and if it wasn't for the entertaining gay waiter who realized my boredom (#shoutout to Timothy at the Morrow Applebee's funniest gay guy ever lol) I would've had a snoring violation and would never be able to hit up Applebee's again. So a some point I think I realized that I have terrible luck with females the ones I'm interested in are interested in me which I feel can't force nothing *cough* b*tches lol i kid i kid *side eye* lol. An then my new personal favorite girls that have boyfriends which is a completely different blog cause I def have a bone to pick wit that, talk to your boyfriend not some random dude you gave your number to UGH "where they do that at"?

Well I'm realizing now that I could go in on this for a min and I'm tired and Bad Girls Club is coming on lol I what your thinking #dontjudgeme its my guilty pleasure what can I say? Oh and its almost something I left out which I prolly should have said earlier I GOT A NEW CRUSH!! BURR BITCHES!! She's gorgeous out my league funny and witty (no offense but it was quite surprising lo) and I can put it like this, she's one of the type you wouldn't mind bringing round yo home boys females I'm still thinking about how to work my magic hopefully she'll just fall for my witty funny nature and then *POOF ALAKAAZAM* LOL


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Can anyone explain why staying up after 1am makes you think of all the things in life that are so small they matter lol?

Why is it that people have a need to be with someone? I was told by a pretty good source i.e. my mom "people need someone who can make them feel better about the things they see ass short comings". I've been thinking about it and I'm starting to see the truth in it, I know I am one of the dwindling number of people let alone men who recognizes that I'm at my best when there's someone in my life that I care about. So I guess the real question is, What does a person do when they don't have someone to love?

When your single yeah it's cool for the moment especially the times when your wild an don't have to worry about your actions lol yeah those are the best times to be single. But what about tomorrow? When sex is just sex but you just want someone to call an say lets go do something, the something that couples do the type where hand holding and the oh so dreaded Public Displays Of AFFECTION is done. For the people who have so much to give and no one to give it to being single is a stigma that can be described as a pain in the ass, stuck in the endless cycle of bad dates, first impressions, and no sex. Holy *bleep* I lowkey just got the hebe gebies dating now and days is like buying a pickle from a jar at some road stop you don't know what your getting till you sink your teeth in an by time you realize it you just wasted time and money on something you didn't want. If I could get a refund for every bad date I've gone on I could pay my rent for the next 2 or 3 months I swear! It takes so much for people now and days to start an relationship shit there's so much to look at, getting your hands on a person with little to no issues their life in some sort of order and has a personality to boot pssh I'd put a ring on it now if that one popped up lol. Well maybe not an actual ring but a commitment would be put in the works lol.

So the question is still in the air if you'd like to assist in that answer please email me at imsingle&
Til next time I'm Dlo and these are my adventure's !!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ugly Betty's & Sexy Megans!!

I'm not tryin to seem offensive when I say this, but as a man we do the chasing correct, and women choose whom they wanna get caught by in a sense. But to be completely honest some bitches need to keep running nobody should be catching these women not cause they lack in the looks department but because they have formed a very dim witted, narrow view on they congruency of male female interaction (oh shit check ya boi out usin big words an shit hope i used that shit right lol). Well what I guess I am trying to say is there's a reason why she is single some people men included are so confused on how shit is suppose to be due to our very natural urge to fuck pretty people and or ability to do so. This is NOT something every man can do ladies have a higher chance of blowing Brad Pitt than I'll ever have of knockin the boots with Halle Berry all Monsters Ball style. Why, you ask? Its pretty simple as men we naturally think with our dicks so if put in the right atmosphere with the right amount of shit in our systems that 5 that went unnoticed just popped on the radar the moment she did something slutty, and trust if your a 5 in a room with 8's an higher slutty isn't the only trick she knows but thats a different blog ( UGLY GURLS WITH OVER CONFIDENCE BECAUSE THEY GET APPROACHED BY MEN THAT JUST WANT A NUT! I WILL BE WHISTLE BLOWING THIS VERY SOON THERE WILL BE ANGRY EMAILS AN SOME TEARS ON KEY BOARDS "F*CK U DLO" LOL).
Ugh where was I, lol oh yeah.............
The average woman has a very natural urge to want things and at a certain age science has yet to give us time spread, but at some age women develop the "Gimme" skill. The uncanny ability to have a male who is intoxicated by both beauty an a possible dry hump gives a woman what ever her whim may be, food, money, jewelry. Shit if used properly the "Gimme" skill can trick a usually adept male into becoming what we call in the male species "A Bitch" and once transformed into a bitch a male is typical done for unless push beyond his limits, but the aftershock of bitchdom has many adverse affects (growing a pair of nuts changes the bitch nigga into a dog typically sorry ladies blame that ex bitch).
Shit cause its sexy, duh, no one wants to fuck and suck the yuck face girl, as men aiming in our own zone isn't our specialty. Yet this still leaves the lingering taste of WTFuckery in my mouth, when did "I want a nice funny caring smart blah blah blah guy" really turn into "I WANT ABS, TALL, GOTTA HAVE MONEY AN A COOL CAR BLAH BLAH DIGGER BLAH"lol. The ability to use the "Gimme" affect on men for a woman of great beauty an low moral standards will have the greatest of dudes buckling.
So here is my answer to slowly win in the battle of "Damn she bad!" NO LONGER TELL WOMEN YOUR PRETTY!! Or any words expressing how there looks have impressed you, I know it sounds dumb, but think about it the average woman is flirted with almost every hours whether she knows it or not. So if your a 10 walking down the street everyday there's someone informing you how attractive you are, and what happens with repetition? People forget or take for granted the words being said so as a man saying "You look beautiful in that dress" gets less ground covered compared to if you went to Gretchen an said it. Shit if you dont believe me go to an ugly person and say YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL and watch the heavens open up in there eye, then go tell that hot chick at Forever 21. I bet you get the ugly girl number. lol
Thats just how its goes in a world of Ugly Betty's & Sexy Megans!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Earlier this week I got a text that said that we can't be friends earlier this morning I got a call saying why are you ignoring my phone calls. This my friends is called a WTF MOMENT, you know one of the moment where no matter your intellect or level of schooling your still reduced to the base instinct of swearing. I reacted with a half sleep I deleted your number response and hung up but after waking up fully half horny an half confused on where the fuck I was for a split second I looked at my phone for a recap of while sleep phone action.

These are the wasted key strokes of the new age woman lol, full of confusion illiteracy and just a touch of desperation. Yet the nagging affect of the WTF MOMENT that I was hit with just hours earlier is still in my system so against better judgement I text back. To receive an rapid "ION FUX WIT U" text back, now what preschooler did she ask for advice in the short couple of hours from I really don't know, but much like the dreaded NIGGA MOMENT I found myself sucked into the retardation that is a WHAT THE FUCK MOMENT!!!


We received a call about a WTF MOMENT, I'm Detective Bitch U. Crazy and this is my partner Olno U. Didn't!! So what happened Sir.
"man dat bitch got me all twisted in the game shawty she gon hit my celly up on some bullshit talkn bout how she miss a nigga an shit afterr she duun droped ya boi ya feel me"

Bitch U. Crazy: Olno that ho didn't!! No offense Olno U. Didn't.
Olno U. Didn't: Its cool Bitch, but sir why did it take you so long to report this clear case of WTF, I see you still have crust in your eye's where you recently taking a mid day power nap.

"yea yea i was shawty that ho interrupted that shit to ya feel wat i mean, but lik wen i woke up rite, i text the broad cause i saw how she was all up in a nigga inbox talkin wild on some emotional tip ya feel wat i mean, but wen i do she gon hit back wit a ION FUX WIT U NO MO an ya kno a nigga lik WTF Bitch U Crazy no offense potna"

Bitch U. Crazy: Well its a good thing you called us alright whats the B!%chs number so we can correct her for you sir......

But minus all the glitz & humor do you see where I'm going with this at what point did she lose sanity points an decide to break the rule she established of dropping? and how did I still come out an ass? How is it that as men we are the exception to the back door policy for acting on emotions we're suppose to take back the ones who throws us away, excuse behavior that if the shoe was on the other foot we'd be seen as nuts but for some females its called being emotional.
When did such a large number of educated, attractive, driven women lose their lucidity and bring the ass hole out of some of the nicest of men. I dare say around the same time Chivalry was killed lol but thats a completely different subject, well not really but I'm not touching that one right now lol.

Some P*ssy Would Really Hit the spot bout now lol

When was the last time you wrote a letter?
It seems like an odd question in this day an age, but really when was the last time you sat down and poured your little heart out on some piece of paper. Shit if your anything like me there probably a good pick up game of baskets in the trash can in your room. Well I ask this mainly to bring up the topic thats been ping ponging (i kno it aint a word ping ponging but shit it sound good get off my nuts but as i was saying lol) ping ponging around in my head.
What happened to the passion that used to be apart of relationships it seems like the older we get the less likely that simple gestures of love, shit if not love just simple I care bout you type shit happens. Yes men are going to be the main accused culprits for this despicable mis-demeanor, but women are no different. #ImJustSaying I can be captain save a ho bringin flowers rubbin feet an leavin all type surprises an shit for a woman an 10 mins later get shitted on for my lack of skill in washing dishes so when does the little things that use to matter, the big things that should, an all the little moments in between become pointless. Better question why the FUCK am I still wasting my time, which use to equal money. Now its just stories of how ol gurl from work a bitch an how my bad taste in women is the reason why you can't go to such an such club, cause you will see "dat bitch" and olll laaaawwwd if that happens you gonna *in lil boosie voice* set it off in that mothafucka!! (which would possibly be the single most entertaining shit ever GET IT GURL LOL)
But I digress my bad, it happens sometimes. Well i guess you all get my point I #lowkey hate talking about this type subject matter cause the debate comes off the same.....
Woman: Niggas aint shit thats why!!!!
Men: lol yal aint no different
10 comments later
Women: Niggas aint shit all yall want is pussy!!
(Me thinkin: shit smh thats a waste of key strokes speakin of strokes some pussy would really hit the spot bout now lol)



Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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