Kings of Leon are my favorite band & this song is my shit!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

If I could "Say Anything" it'd be your my ONE LOVE!

I've said it before, but two of the hardest things to do in life are moving on and letting go.
Then there are the time's in life where you don't wanna do either.
Who really want's to let go when that person is still there to hold you? Why would you want to move on when you like where your at? But, love is tricky like that it's one of those masochistic emotions. What other word could describe it I don't know, all I know is that after love stings us we are constantly on guard the next time we sense its presence.
Phrase's like, "i don't wanna be hurt again..." hold meaning that sometimes can't be put in words.
So where do you go if you can't move forward,and don't want to move back. Who is to say that this time wont be like the last? Then who's to say that if you do happen to take that step forward that something magical could happen?
Has love lost broken the bravest of us?

Are we to afraid to love again? The saddest truth of them all could of them all is that, the fear of pain although justified is crippling us. To stand as a proud battered victim of heartbreak and take that chance, to just leap sounds asinine huh? But,(there's always a but remember lol) if we don't take risk's what are we living for?

What grand declaration of love must be shown to prove to a victim of heartbreak that your love for them is worth the jump? I could hold a ghetto blaster over my head blasting a love ballad. Shit I'd get my John Cusack on just for you to "SAY ANYTHING", I'll be your Lloyd if you'd jump and be my Diane. I'm a movie nut so all my most poignant moments are reflected from cinema so it's oddly poetic to watch my life become a Cameron Crowe film. Boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl then gets her back. Thats the end right? NAH, see the girl is a victim yeah one of the ones we were just talking about. So what does a guy do, what grand declaration does a guy with a blog do?

Thursday, November 5, 2009


So it's exactly 3:01am I can say in the past 48hrs I've slept a good 8. Power naps, coffee and some camimil tea (sp check please lol). The tea for my throat, and the coffee well for the caffeine. I recently just quit smoking cigarettes, if I'm keeping count right this is numero 5. Another losing battle it feels like, laughing out loud is the only thing I can do to keep from screaming what the fuck. Pardon my French lol. See there it goes again the mandatory lol moment sometimes I don't even think I'm funny but I still lol.

I guess the classic lol is all i got right about now. I'm currently single again thats right somebody dropped me, ignoring all this boyish charm debonair smile, and witty nature. So score so far Dlo 0- heartbreak 2. Ugggh I gotta even that score soon, which means i gotta pick up some free agents again. A good number of them were dropped during the off season aka being "boo'd up".

So I guess if this entry could be named anything I guess it'd be called the break up but I'm a figure out something cool an witty the break up sound depressing. Well the obvious note would be that I am just getting out of what I guess would be called a relationship (well thats what facebook said). So at the moment the best way to describe my head shape is (wait hold on gotta think) well it's jumbled thats a good word. To much is going on right now its like I literally think up is down, and down is up. So between my weird case of SELECTIVE OCD and natural 3rd person omniscient view on life (for the slower ppl that means i look at my life as if i was watchin it on tv practically lol) I have been over using the frontal lobe of my brain stressing. With little to show for it other then a need for a smoke an I think a new wrinkle on my head.

So now its 3:55 windows has forced me to restart my laptop for updates I've made some tweets and stuff, gone through my slow jams playlist, but I'm still no closer to closure which is weird well for me it is. Sex, drugs, and the 3 R's (r&b rap and rock) are not working advice is a no go due to the fact that means I'd have to divulge info to someone about feelings an stuff. That means that ain't happening I know how the hell do I blog my life away but can't tell a friend or someone well I'm weird like that so sue me. So I'm just STUCK which i must say is the worst feeling no matter whether its literal or figurative.

But coming to a forced end (mainly cause im tired of typing for now) I am STUCK with more questions then answers, still confused looking down trying to find cloud 9 , still here thinking "Is there room for a guy who wants to fall in love with out all the extra sh*t?". "Do I really wanna throw a wrench in the pimp machine again just to be STUCK again?" and "WHO THE FUCK SAID LOVE OVERCOMES ALL?" cause i really wanna bitch slap this nigga........ oh my obligatory LOL there we go now I can go.......................................................................................................

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What every woman should hear!!

You hate your imperfections,
but i love em.
"My legs are to..."
girl hush!
"I hate when u say I look beautiful in the morning cause i know ur lyin"
I hate that you think I'd lie about it
the things in life that make you great
aren't your positives,
but how you hold up to your negatives.
That mole didn't become a beauty mark until you accepted that you were just that.
Your laugh made me laugh and I'll love it just as much the next day.
Your thighs aren't fat.
Your eye's arent to big.
Your lips are perfect.
An your waist has never been so slim,
I say this cause it's real
I hold you an think of how god has blessed me with something so surreal.
You've been perfect since birth
I'm jus here to remind you.
Perfectly beautiful
so beautifully perfect
not a thing I would change
Beautiful was just a word before,
but since i found you it came to life.....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

life in 160 characters (my book exert)

"There once was a lady who lived in a shoe...." is the dumbest intro to a children story ever.
Who wants to her about a chick living in a shoe and it wasn't even a fly one I think it was just a boot, right. These are the storys we tell kids growing up, and we wonder why so many confused teenagers are running around.
But I do feel it now as kids we need that fantasy world to dive into, although a chick with kids living in a shoe is kind of morbid lol. Now we are all adults with bills, an relationships that don't start with the note saying do you like me yes or no any more, and jobs with managers that could use a good pistol whiping in my opinion (please be scared lol as a black man I can still snap at any moment BOO!!). Adults are suppose to be responcilble and be smarter than a 5th grader. Which is obvious were not due to Jeff Foxworthy pitting 30yr olds against kids who just got weened of elmer's glue an animal crackers and losing every week.
We as this new generation of dumb genius's have our own set of problem that weren't around just 20 some years ago. So I guess this is where the story begins, with me sitting hear waiting for a plane to take off to start this new life that I've been sick I'm so excited for (literally I had morning sickness like I was expecting or something). 8hrs til the rest of my life starts wait I may have to start at the begining so you can be on the same page as me, i already know your probably thinking wtf is he talking about.

See well it all started with a girl wait no that sounds lame, its started because my pimping was so outraguous she had to encrouch into my personal space an give me her information in hope that I would call her. "I'm Garret shawty, whats yo name"
"Tonya, shawty or is shorty yal southern niggas accent be funny"
See normally my Ga boy attitude would've came in an told her to suck a tampoon, BUT she was cute so I just gave her the witty charm and the obvious question. "Where you from SHAWTY" all while trying not to let her catch me looking at her booty in the reflection of a window all I can say is thank god for spandex a true miracle material.
So after a slight back an forth and exchanging of digits, facebooks, and twitters. Ok I'm just playing no social networking info was traded, but during the conversation I picked up on something.
1. Tonya just got out of a relationship of 2yrs with a guy named AK
2. AK is not his intials come to find out its the name of his favorite gun (i should've ran from that notification alone)
3.Tonya is the name of every girl I've fucked with that always meant trouble

Fast forward 2 weeks a couple dates and a one good night of sweat and wet sheets (YAY ME!!) I got to meet our friend AK. Who she neglected to say looked like a roided out Trick Daddy. Fast forward 35 mins from me an AK's meeting of the minds we met each others fist so now 15 mins before work I have a black eye something that looks like a bite mark on my shoulder and a new found respect for police. Mainly due for them letting me leave the back of the police car and keeping AK's hostile charocoal ass in one.
"Do I want to press charges, hell yea!"


Monday, October 26, 2009

sooner or later "so sick"

waitin for the ring tho
so why all the ne-yo
so why u still there
well is love worth the damage
you let love fall on u instead of fallin in it
an now ima tell u the truth
you got me so sick of luv jone's
put yo phone on silent cause i hate that ring tone
you pick up answer an then get mad
the lie's u tell yo self are the reasons i get mad
u want love well i got u
u need time
its wat eva i wont stop u
but if u go back to the pain and get hurt
dont fall again
cause ima drop u
give em his time, leave in ur prime
u gettin sick from bein ill
im so sick of ur luv song
get it together
im not yo man but if u dont love you
how ima do better?

NOTHIN AT ALL *jus a concept not finished yet*

INTRO: i think that we need time BEFORE we take this step
i cant keep runnin into the fray

look before u leap
i say think before u speak
that line was for u the reason why i cant sleep
who else could make this happen other then you
i shouldve known better
but i kept hearin

:this could be something
:this could be something
but really its jus nothin
NOTHIN at all
at all, at all

the lies we tell ourselves mid heartbreak
the truths told after the storm
we really meant
NOTHIN AT ALL (but this could be something)
but there u go lik a dream
wat could i think of
i gotta get you out of my mind
there it goes again (but this could be something)- 2x
i guess this is wat we make it

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thoughts of Sex

There's been gaps in my memory lately/
it must be you/ it must be the after affect of what you do to me/
no sweeter taboo/ no high that's compares/
you do justice to the word/
Sexy is your product/
you exhale arousal in the air/
Sweet ecstasy/
Mind numbing pleasure/
My mind thanks you/ for pushing imagination to the limits/
phone calls consist of your laugh/ and a what u wearing/
long distance/ longer nights/ i travel miles for that peak of sweat moans an bites/
sex is a word/ love is an emotion/
mixing them together can change lives/ for longer then mere moments/
lost in thoughts of sex/
if that makes any sense/
i want to give you my love/ in the bites that you adore/
your finally home /
let me remind you why clothes look best the next morning on the floor/
Mind on the run /excitement in my veins/
Your my addiction/ im your favorite type of pain/
say it now scream it/

This is a song i wrote minus hook an stuff lol it reads great as a poem so i tweeked it a lil an added some stuff wat u guys think?

Friday, October 9, 2009

7Pounds & the "what if game"

When I asked "what is a blog" a long time ago i got a bunch of different answers some made little sense an other summed it up pretty well.

My blog has become lowkey like my little journal an every now an then something hits me enough to put it words, so its pretty fitting for it to be call the adventure's of sir-lo, minus the sir part lol im not that old yet.

WATCHING 7 POUNDS WITH WILL SMITH AND ROSARIO DAWSON never a wise thing for me cause 1. I love the movie 2. Rosario sick makes me wanna just melt (one of my hollywood crushes lol) and 3. I'm a sucker for a emotional roller coaster movie and the last like 30 mins always gets me! (playing the what if game never meant so much)

Ok so i'm here at this point in life where only the biggest of the little big things are important if that makes any sense at all life sucks but some how im kind happy. My mom is sick an stronger then ever oxymoron i know, but its true. I'm semi working my ass an searching for a new job all to get ready for this hop an leap move to Orlando all to chase a dream that really never seemed like an option for someone like me, and then there's the adventure part.............

I guess I should blame my mom for letting me watch all those Romantic comedy's and my love for everything R&B ballad but I've always felt like a sucker for well Love. So after watching 7POUNDS and playing my own mental game of "what if" I realized something I think I'm falling in (ugh its even hard to type but fuk it) "I think I'm FALLING IN LOVE". To be honest though I like it no better than that I'm Lovin IT for the first time I'm feeling like really feeling I know there's a long way before I can tell her due to a lot of things but well let me put it how I did in "WHAT IF?" version "what if i said i loved you and you said it back, what if we got together...." and so on an so on. Well after much deliberation I realized something that would be the SHIITTT! LOL for the first time ever I AM SO DOWN FOR THAT IDEA SMH WATS IS I TO DO? IDK


Monday, September 21, 2009

Dangerously is Love

The hardest thing in life is to dreamlovelive&letgo
well its not jus one thing but its everything 4 key points
that through out life will never fade...

Has anyone ever noticed that Love is the only emotion/feeling that can be strong enough to both build an destroy. When your in love jumping isn't the problem ITS LANDING the moon isn't that far when your in love its just a hop skip away, but that landing can kill you! Love is the one emotion that can create such a negative backlash that u honestly get caught off guard shit love can make a perfectly sane person seem like a complete nut practically, yet we chase it we need it. Dangerously in Love....

Every great poet had their own view on love in a sense Love had been a character all on its own playing its part in the background. An in life such a beautiful chaos like love is one of the few things that gives you purpose, I dream of falling in love and the moments of bliss where life just feels right an nothing can stand between you but in the REAL WORLD i guess that doesn't exist like i hoped. I guess I blame my mom for being a avid romantic comedy watcher (with me always stuck by her ugh lol) for my insistent belief that some odd mental an emotional connection could bring ppl together an be strong enough to hold them together (i hope im wrong but it seems lik my dumbass may be right for a change in my opinion). How is it we can watch movies like The Notebook and shit yet hardly have the balls to chase it I mean in a book or on the big screen we find ourselves enthralled by Love but in life it seems like a far off fairy tale .......UGHH!!

well i am bout to take my ass to sleep listen to my slow jams playlist that goes so hard im makin babies in the 09 lol jk so til NEXT TIME DEUCES WORLD

Monday, September 7, 2009


Baby making music, love songs, slow jams, what ever you may want to call them right now R&B is coming back with a bang (the baby boom lol) an i thought that before I hit the sheets I'd shout out my homey the slow jam and some of the leaders in this a heartfelt genre.

So let me start by sending my support an condolenses to Chris Brown an his career i still fucks wit you breezy shyyd you got me play with multiple jams (take you down no pun included went hard in the club & wanna be was every body who was boo'd up ringtone at somepoint lol)! So if niggas get ratchet play big bank vs. lil bank an win you win crump an say GIMME THAT LOL.

Ok so like I was saying R&B is back thanks to rappers needing new hooks an drake singin/rappin with any available singers its finally made niggas comfortable to beat some slow jams with windows down just don't get caught slippin singing "Holla if u need me" at a read light I will roast. Speakin of that song if you don't have Trey Songz new cd READY bitch what are you doin shawty no homo but I been tryna put niggas on Songz since the first album hopefully LLolyd can drop another Street Luv type album an get on the scene.

BUT YEA...... thats all jus wanted to give a shout out to R&B AN ALL IT PANTY DROPPIN GOODNESS LOL

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Adventure= The ups an downs of life mainly relationships an how they affect your views on life
"The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"

Alright this is gonna be a hard blog to word right, cause its still kinda fresh in my mind an weights alot on my chest WHICH PISS'S me off a lil bit due to me being so stupid.

At some point in my adventures i ran into a unintentional speed bump aka a chick (who out of respect ima give a nickname DARA sounds good my favorite laker girl she'd like that lol) now everyone who may know in real life outside this glowin lil boxs knows i rarely give a shit about most women. An after saying that i think less are gonna give a shit about me lol but eh what can i do, but for some reason i tripped not fell for this one it wasn't like I was in love or nothing but more of in LIKE which is the most dangerous position to be in as a man cause we have about as much control over the outcome as deer in head lights. As I was saying I was in LIKE (see Mario song "like you real hard") an its been a long time since I've found myself actually wanting to talk to a chick an dammit DARA had my attention when ever she called/texted you know that smile you get when you get hit up by someone you actually wanna hear from lol. Talkin on the phone way past my internal bed time, makin fun of ppl tweets on twitter, everything goofy an lol-able you could think of with the occasional semi arguments which really just felt fun to me I don't why I like a good back an forth lol.
Soooooooooooooo your wondering why the ealier sense of piss-tivity, (an yes ima jus start makin up my own words shyyd its my blog lol) well after all this caking, shit it wasn't even caking it was baking dammit my phone is covered in red velvet lol. Well after this extensive cake fest the real issues came up we're stuck in a long distant relationship situation, (and that was the kicker I know everybody was wondering wtf is the issue nigga?) two people who for some reason fate bumped them together happened to fall into LIKE and couldn't do anything about it and this isn't a little distance its the full blown USA, a Cali to ga flight is a good minute a drive just sounds ignate as hell a grey hound sounds like asking for a nigga to go ham on some random rider as niggas. So thats when our whirlwind of caking &cute msgs turned real "what if i wanna kiss you..." "wat we gonna do skype" all the realities of life start fall in an next thing we know we're here!!
The here where its like fuck!! It was cool while it lasted but damn it was actually good, where they do that at GEESH so right now I'd like to thank 211 the black can an my pineapple express like cool wit my botanist homeboy for the support to make this nagging uncool feeling go away....
I sooo shouldn't have stop being a hoe man hoes have all the fun trust me ask yo girl lol


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Love Unknown

Im compulsive im blunt im sometimes my own worst enemy,
but wit u im strong
for u im brave
standin by u ima king
yet idk who u r,
there's no name to whisper no hair to smell no face to this fantasy which calls my name.
My love enraptured in sweet fantasy u r a smile that turns my head, the whisper that arouses my dream
the scent that makes me close my eyes an take life in slower.
My home
my heart
my dream
my unknown
my Love
my Love unknown.
Revealing urself in pieces at random ur lips brush my cheek in a breeze
ur hair in my face as the rain drops in the summer
my unknown love i am here
my love unknown !?!

Monday, August 31, 2009


"Life is getting more difficult for people every day" is what i was told by a lady much stronger than me even now I have momments where i can't seem to handle the stress yet she always seemed so unbroken by it until...
Until life crashed down on her i was in 7th grade first semester then, and I could never forget that day. That momment where coming home became its own kind of stress. An apparently stress is what did it my superwoman was brought down by the subtle incline of lifes pressure, my mother had a stroke in her early 30's I had always been helping her with some form of medical issue cause she's been sick since I was little but this was different.
That night i stayed at the house by myself felling extra conscience about my uncomfortable fear of hospital's waiting for the call saying we're on the way, from my grandma but it didn't come. Instead I got the your gonna stay at the house with us call which was fine but what about my superwoman. A day passed at a breakneck speed an I had no choice but to step in that building the one where they "save live's" well damn she alive but where the fuck is my mama is all I could say!
My superwoman had fallin an couldnt get up not by herself anyway, so I made a decsion that day to do what ever I felt necessary to make sure she doesn't end up like that again. Well I did that other than some run in's with a low imune system an bad medical care she's been semi good but I still feel like im failing I LIVE WITH FEAR I DAMN NEAR SAY WE'RE ROOMATE'S and I pay my own bills and my mother's we stay together just out of the anxiety that she may not be there one day. I failed to do what i said i would I have to be sucessfull if I want her to have what she needs.
But money comes slow problems come in bunches an help comes sporactically so what does a man do? What does young black man do when he knows the truth in life is the easy way isn't always the right way but the right way doesn't garentee shit every year around this time I think about this an every year i feel like I can't do it any more the sidekick has to become a hero an he's no where near ready UGH WISH ME LUCK.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The here with no you

what force is out there that makes me fall so hard
what dream am i chasing jus to be back here
the here with no you just what i remember
in my memory you're everything
your caring
your beautiful
your there
but in my present i am here the here where you no longer are
so yet again i ask how do i fall so hard
why does gravity hold me so tightly
gripping what little i have
strapping, controling, and with out warning
love cant give me wings
i wish it could
but gravity wont let me loose
i fell in love
i fell in like
so now i run from what feels so right
out of fear that i'll end up right back here
the here where there's no YOU!!

The Adventure's Of Sir-Lo The Coolest


Soooooo its been like a gazillion years since my last update to the adventure's an boy has it been one lol there’s been trips to Miami (beware of white girls that ask if u want some of their meds lol), twitter has been deestroyin my life &tinychat is no longer tiny I must say that bitch is damn near giantchat now lol (an if u dont have a webcam u need to get on that asap lol im jus sayin), new friends new interest new goals new everything so I guess all I can say is this is THE UPDATE…..

Ok first off let me start by saying owe me money for all the hours I’ve put in on them shits lol my new bed time is anything after 3am an if I hear bird chirps OMG I have just fucked up!! An then there’s the new #crush (an yes I jus trended a word lol I tweet A LOT) who I dare say is one of the most refreshing women I’ve met in awhile AND I know diddly squat about her lol I know you’re like wtf, yet I still kinda get excited when I get a text/tweet now which is like sooo unlike me. But its because of her that I got the gumption to start blogging again (I apologize for my use of the word gumption who am I Andy Griffith sp check lol) well where was I oh yeah I remember now lol.

While wondering through my @’s she made a statement about how I am on like every social networking site and what happened to “face to face convo’s & phone calls” which of course I understand completely. Do you know how annoying it is to have someone leave a msg on fbook u respond back they don’t respond, then the dumbass tweet u all jus to say “wats up” BITCH HAVE U LOST UR TWEETIN MIND U HAVE MY PHONE NUMBER!! And this leads into my topic for the day lol…….

Has all this Social Networking cut the concept of actual social networking in THE REAL WORLD!!

I mean I’m a fbook/twitter junkie also but I still look forward to talking an meeting people outside of the warm glow of my laptops screen (its pretty warm really my lap be toasty). Our generation has become so technology driven that I don’t even think that anyone knows how to send out letters and shit I mean when was the last time you went to get a stamp really lol, we text we facebook we tweet BUT we don’t remember how fun it was to be on the phone after 12am talking like teenagers about any and everything but hot damn I can tell you how RT @lilduval funny ass roasted the shit out of some #basic bitches last #FF lol.

I like to talk I love to talk and I love a good convo face to face with all the facial expression, stutters and awkward moments. So between all the EXTRA THIRSTY dudes, “MODELS” (the quotes lol), PROMOTERS, and the just enjoying their time online social networking people lol, who out there thinks it’d be kinda fun to talk to someone without waiting for a reply dammit lol without walking to the restroom coming back an saying damn they blew my inbox the hell up!! All I am saying is who else is tired of dealing with people who can only hold a decent convo electronically lol “bitch open ur mouth an speak an if say lol why the fuck you aint really laughin”, call me old fashion but at some point I want to hear my girl voice an its been like 3 weeks an I swear for a chick with so much to say I aint heard shit from her ass but she stay blowin my phone up THANKS UNLIMITED TEXT GEESH LMAO!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

brand new pt2

"There was once this moment in my life where everything seemed perfect u kno the kinda perfect where it should of been wrong" she said, " until you came along and made everything right seem so wrong and iv never been happier you made me want to be wrong just so u could smile an say some corny ass line that id find funny for some reason then you'd give that look and it all seemed worth it......."

I dont kno much about love and life but that there is what makes it all worth it to give up comfort for the unpredictable, for the simple fact that on a wing and a prayer some fuked up emotion is gonna give you wings and your jus gonna sail on love like some cornballish 70s flowerchild acid trip gone right. Yet as human being we crave companionship and its one of the many things that at no point do we ever truly figure out BUT we(I) love it lol call me masochistic but hot damn id take heartbreak a couple more times jus for those moments where u smile for no reason at shit that is worth breakin ou the pearly whites. A lil while ago i wrote a blog titled "Is anything we do Brand New " I guess this would be its sequel the return of the jedi (dont mind nerd moment i been gettin geeky lately ugh lol).

Well how do i start this *pheeeew (thats my calmin breath lol) ok well lately iv lacked the urge to blog lik i usually do due to the fact that lik 94.89% of em are about relationships or the opposite sex, and etc (and dont ask where i got the % from i did the math carried the 1 an ish an thats what i got lol). Well what im trying very badly to say is i dont believe in love and ish really or that everybody finds it i guess so wasting time wit relationships seem kinda nascar lik to me shit you can only take so many left hand turns you know.

Then i fuked up an hung around the wrong chick the main ex that cant be cropped out the pic lol across the usa in cali over a couple beers an a blunt in the air around 3 somethin in the am which is like 5 somethin in Ga time. We finally really talked about what happened and how it affected us. An i must say i felt like a douche 91% of the convo (theres that math again) but she kept saying one thing i had to ask about "i did it for you", sentence after sentence left me confused the more she said it, although it could of been the lack of sleep mixed with my high blood alcohol level or the fact that i was high or it could've been all the above lol so i asked "wtf do you mean you did it for me" when she explained it to me it was like my heart had an ephipany (wierd huh)
"I loved you dickhead"
you see what i mean lol who couldn't love a woman who can shit on you and wipe it off in one sentence. Yet i understood finally what she meant for a long time i really didn't know what love was from a person who does that any more really you hear but you dont feel it shit i say i love you to ppl all the time see watch i love you no homo, but there i was toasted on roof top lookin at a chick who just called me a dick head thinkin this is my movie moment this is where i realized the truth about it all. Nothing we ever do is Brand New we barely can handle old shit new shit i think i'll pass for now cause now I am back to the basics.

My name is DeAngelo Emory im an employee at a crappy clothing store job, i write, i smoke (some say to much but i like to say eh wat can i do lol), like cookin more than going out to eat, love movies even some chick flicks (the notebook was slightly touchin that broad couldve remembered somethin dammit lol), And lik alot of ppl now I am single and this has nothin to do with the song but i think its time to start something Brand NEW!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

loves final blows

I haven't been here in awhile.

In this place were all directions still take me back,
back to you,back to the moments were i forgot you existed.
You are love ,the space that never seems whole is your home
with out you i am someone but still nothing.
Lie to myself, lie to you, but no one to lie with
enbrazed in my mind are your songs that i slow dance to with my futures loves and heart breaks
i hate love for she is never there when i need her but always ready to interupt me when i have moved on.

My jealous love oh so ready to take my breath away yet never to be mine
thus my love i give up, i surrender
break me under your current so the tide can sweep me away
away from you
away from the her's
away from your hurt
laugh away fought tears
i can no longer do
see my love broke my heart before
i had a chance to fight back
now i sit here to replay its final blows
the words
her tears, her good-bye eyes, and her kiss
and i think again of her kiss the one things from her that held regret
she left the piece her that i loved most on my lips
damn love for twisting my mind and leaving me less of a man
with out that love, that gave me excitement,strength, and pleasure
what am i now?
Cause see there are two loves in life,
THE one you touch the one that leaves that kiss in your mind
and then there's LOVE the emotion the power the damning force
that shapes lives and can tear them down!!I hate that love made me love her
because to this day i still feel loves final blows..............

Sunday, July 12, 2009

1+1=5 wtf lol

Alright so I know it has been a min since my last blog yet again guilty of “doin the most” between work, having a social life, and working on some other projects of mine ( im writing a book and a script) . I have been neglecting to update the adventures like I usually do. An to be honest I didn’t really have the urge to talk about shit lol (I mean really I been on my I don’t give shit tip lately) until a couple days ago when stuff just kept popping up making the blogger in me fingers itch from baby momma/daddy drama (not me other niggas lol) breaks up & make up, MJ passed away (rip), my mom broke her ankle (at a doctor’s office lol lik WTF), women issue’s, and ish it all has been building so prepare for a couple days worth of blogging goodness lol……

But to start it off I’d like to warn the weak of mind lol I may say something that make you feel some sort of way idk but if so eh what can I do lol

Well lately I’ve been hearing a lot of women gripe about how men are so effed up and I’d like to say my bad lol and get over it because not all men are created equal and I refuse to apologize for having a penis. I understand your issue’s completely yes we can be dogs yes we can be selfish and yes we can do you so very wrong at times but for all men to be put in this small but popular category of the bad guy is becoming annoying as hell. I’ve yet to hear any lady stand up and admit that they might just have bad taste in men (if there any takers please do stand up lol). I mean when it come to knowing women with fresh shit on the sidewalk type niggas in their archives I’m the king the stories some of them have told me had me both rolling on the floor laughing and saying what the fuck at the same time, but it always left me thinking why can’t you find a decent dude? Are we that few and scarce that females are forced to wade through the juke pile of men in Atlanta to find someone who slightly resembles a knight in shining armor? Albeit that it’s similar for men also but we at least have the ability to lie to our selves long enough to enjoy the moment, but for women it’s never quite that simple.

So when did Good Guys become so few in numbers, maybe it was when we became too taken for granted probably around the same time chivalry died idk lol. A couple years ago a guy who was trying to introduce himself and get to know a girl didn’t have to bring his last W2 and check stub to apply for a number it seemed ( lol I mean really a nigga gotta fill out application now an days ) when did “Hi my name is” become cliché lol. An I understand ladies you may be approached a lot but putting a fuck off stamp on your head to direct us away from you would both help and entertain lol a dude to keep from wasting your time. This isn’t a connection to the multitude of shit for brain nigga’s who cat call broads with the “Ay shawty in the red” and “Baby where you goin?” lines fuck them nigga’s lol I don’t blame you. I’m speaking for the dudes who fear rejection just like most men but man up like they suppose to an introduce themselves with some form of decorum and aren’t too nervous to be themselves (boy do I feel for them niggas tis tisk lol).

All I know is at some point we stop some form of communication that permitted us to figure out if 1+1=2 still because I’d swear it’s some people male and female that must think it equal 5 or something cause niggas be on some way out the park type shit it is amazing. I’m not saying that I have all the answers if so I’d be wifed down putting rings on fingers an whatever else Beyonce’ next single says to do lol but I do know one thing repeating the same process will only get the same results leaving the same OLD & TIRED lines “Nigga’s aint shit!” and “Bitches crazy” (no offense lol)………

On the next blogpidsode of THE Adventures of Sir-Lo the Coolest “What happened to black men: The Baby daddy issue”

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Is there room to be Great: Drake

Alright this may seem a tad bit off base for the usual blogs I put out but I had to put this out there. So I just finished reading XXL's blogger Byron Crawfords blog on Drake "Was Drake created by the TI's" ( ) and it got me thinking about the state of music lately especially rap (due to every one's constant complaining about the watered down rappers that are making it on the scene). Then I read some of the comments that were left and I realized there are 1.) Too many internet gangsters/asshole’s 2.) Far too many avenues for haters to give their opinion, and finally 3.) No one wants to believe in the "magic" that is called talent any more.

I mean this may seem naïve to some but I do think that the ability to transform words into entertainment in any way while conveying a message or tell a story is an actual TALENT (shit some ppl lack basic convo skills let alone the balls to do it in front for the mass’s) . Then there’s the whole concept that he was made and there must be some shadowy organization making him so popular which is a complete laugh to me cause in that case introduce these niggas to some other nigga careers so they can spread the wealth shit but Bow Wow on he still wants to rap. What I’m trying to say is “Listen to my demo” lol a overused phrase but it meant something not to long ago I’m not saying that every mix tape feature and demo will have some hidden gem on it, but got damn why question/investigate a mothafukka when they finally get on the scene.

Its this bullshit that is making music so questionable now every rapper gotta fit a mold you can’t be you, who’s gonna believe you can make words rhyme an ride a beat if you’re not a hood nigga (that’s me bein sarcastic I tell em to blow it out they ass but eh who am I). So Drake is from Canada shit they got go weed up there, and he was on a tween series Degrassi shit he can’t rap then he don’t fit the mold well damn somebody has to be behind the nigga who hasn’t put out an album yet but has a single no a single two singles on the radio, and is opening for rappers who already got stripes, because we all know that talent doesn’t mean shit anymore or Does it? I mean who the Fuck is Aubrey Drake Graham (lol yea that his first name but shit the nigga spit hot fire like Dylan the Dillinger so who cares and yes that was and old making Da Band joke lol that nigga spit hot fire eh wat can u do) and why does he have so many fans it couldn’t be from grinding out and having the right connects and making some damn good music cause who the fuck does that any more right.

If you aren’t fitting in the mold here’s what you do MAKE YOUR OWN shit for brains. Every musician is compared to an earlier predecessor it only natural, but when you don’t fit a description you must be something new something different, yes if you’re thinking like me you already know the obvious tagline I’m about to say. You may have to be “Brand New” (oh yea and the nigga drake be singin lol where the fuk they do that at…. shit who care’s dude goes hard). I write that’s what I like no that’s what I love to do and I know that there are like a “gazillion” others who want to do the same thing just like there are in rap but only a few make it so when did we stop giving ovations and congratulations for someone with talent making head way in their field especially when it’s one that not everyone can attempt to be as accomplished in due to it being a *cough cough* TALENT. Who remembers what it was like to hear the phrase stuck in history “Please listen to my DEMO” cause aint nobody just make it they had that something that Je ne sais pas(yea I kno a lil French oui oui shawty lol) the it factor so it could be that Drake is it the guy that we’ve been waiting on to hit the refresh button on hip-hop leader of a school I guess will find out soon though see yall for the freshman class re-release cause XXL didn’t say nothing bout this transfer student.

“Im the pen and life is my paper”

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Zack & Miri Make A PORNO

Alright first things first I have a new favorite movie Zack & Miri Make A PORNO is the shit, it has Seth Rogan who’s hilarious (the chick who played Miri don’t remember her name but she the shit as well), there were boobs gotta love those, and of course PORN duh. Then there was something in the movie that caught me off guard that typically as a dude I’m immune to (sometimes) the after sex feelings you know where after that hot 15min or so lol and the next day comes around (or after the pull out for some geesh lol) and you’re stuck. Stuck trying to figure out the million dollar question “What are we now?” what did that night mean was it just sex other did such an such feel it too?

I need to say that as guys we are far from impervious to the situation as well there will always be the one that makes us bitch up although we may take a more asshole approach to make a means meet and end an all, but that’s a long an very different story lol. But the point I’m trying to get to is in the movie Zack and Miri (did I say she was cute if not well shawty CGI LOL) were friends that ended up sleeping together obviously from the title I know, but after they did the harder part came up the question that needed an answer became the Wringling Bro’s Elephant balancing on a ball in the room, and eventually that big bitch was bound to fall on someone. An after that blah blah blah they fell in love an made many more porns prolly an went on to have a happy sex life the end lol. But the afterthought of the movie for me has been this…….. When do we ever get to hook up with our best friend lol no I’m just playin but really though when we start relationships how many times has it been a person that you had a friendship with.

WHY are none of my ex’s my ex friends (well I got two that I can say we was friends but ay that’s another blog all together) why do I always start something with people that I have no emotional connection to. I mean traditionally friendship is the basis of a good relationship between people, but very few of us actually follow this concept I’ve slept with women (not in a slutty kinda way but a few lol) and hardly knew the things that are important at least. I didn’t know their favorite ice-cream, their dreams, shit I don’t even know some of their last names unless it was put in my phone. So how the hell was I like them suppose to make a real-ationship out of that shit (please don’t judge lol really no joke).

When does life teach us the lesson that apparently we haven’t been taught, in my blogging history so far I realized I’ve talked about relationships a lot dealing with the opposite sex can be draining for both sex’s no matter the age or class, shit an you obviously don’t have to be a work of art so looks can’t be that important (to some people lol shiit I want cute babies eff that have you seen some of the critters getting pushed in strollers now and days lol). So what the fuck are the issues here PEOPLE TALK TO ME ANY ADVICE lol Today I’m asking you to help out on this so speak the fuck up answer the question…………………. What do we want from a partner/ what do I need ? is it money that gets you excited or is it security ? does looks run your choice or is it personality ?AND IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION ASK AWAY I don’t care lol

This is just the beginning ima try an do a video with who ever feels like putting them selves out there an being on a panel of guest who wanna talk about this ish lol The Adventure’s of Sir-Lo is traveling do u wanna be on?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

ho talk lol

Today has been a mild stone for me its like for the first time I can feel myself inching closer to what I want in life, and it feels great. I am happy enough at the moment to just enjoy where I am at the moment living in the moment (aint no shittin on my day lol shit I’ll shit back and that shawty is a lot of shit lol). An also for the people out there who may not know Trey Songz (YUAHHHA SONGzzz lol couldn’t help it) has a new mix tape out DJ Ill Will & DJ Rockstar Present Trey Songz (Swagga Like Songz Vol. 2) an when I say the shit goes so emM eFFin hard I mean it I wanna just make some babies listenin to it right now the new R. Kelly of our generation indeed. An I think that’s an cool lead into tonights topic considering that a lot of action happens when one of their songs are playin.

*Singin “hoe’s how many of us have them…… Hoe’sssssssss (hittin the high note)

Yes people Hoe’s I now this is a touchy subject so if you think you may become offended dealing with this topic please just leave the page now, because I wish not to offend you, BUT if you don’t have an issue with the topic continue reading. Well let me begin, a couple days ago while one the phone with some friends of mine (*burp its Ello bitches and Baker Man lol *insider*) some how the convo switched over to Whore’s and the different situations where hoish is confused with sexy. And I’d like to say now though that I have no problem with whore’s lol someone has to take one for the team and help the community lol (I’ll explain later). But as usual I digress where was I oh yea, well there are too many occasions where the word Ho is thrown around to liberally cause if everybody fucking then a little bit of everybody a ho. Yet this is the problem right now on a Thursday in the “A” there are a gamut of young women prancing about looking like they inviting a nigga to come bust it open lol I mean ass cheeks out you know that lil butt cuff at the bottom & tits pushed up to the neck with a tattoo of some piece of fruit like a strawberry dripping wet some place below the navel (dam that was a vivid description I think I know lik 4 of those an that’s jus the one’s in my hood lol). An I know what your thinking what does this have to do with anything well let me explain one day if I decide to go to wal-mart throw on a blue polo with a smiley face on it, and a pair of crisp khakis and said “how are you doing today” wouldn’t you naturally assume hey this guy works at wal-mart (its rhetorical u don’t hav to answer lol) of course you would. An when you come to me an I say wtf I don’t work here you’d be like huh WTF you look like you do, and here is what I’m talking about. If you got ass out tits poppin an yo ass out there’s a high number of women out there who look just like that there called HO’s, have you heard of em? I know a few an they fit that description lol. So what I’m saying is if you don’t want to be presumed a whore, ho, bustit, or whatever you call your local area rip please assist men like me who have trouble distinguishing between the two by not wearing a WHORE’S UNIFORM because situations like this are becoming too frequent

“It must be Halloween or something cause if you’re not Whore why are you wearing one of their uniforms baby? I aint tryin to be rude, I’m just askin so I’ll know what to look for so I won’t make this mistake again”

Then there’s my next issue with the Ho’s of today ,their lack of cleanliness (not the sanitation type clean either) I mean the ability to keep yo ho game from getting sloppy lol, really if your track list of partners consist of teams i.e. classic lines like “she let the whole squad/team/block hit it “ may apply. You are no longer a woman who has sexual desires that must be filled by multiple partners you become a high risk factor lol. I mean really it’s 2009 in the “A” aka dam shawty I gotta go get tested cause im experiencing an itching burnin sensation because there so many stds being spread in the black community shot!!!! Has anyone been listenin to the radio lol(seriously everybody needs to wrap it up kids are forever an so are some stds don’t turn into a commercial like them ppl on those Valtrex ads talkin bout break outs an shit im talkin bout nigga and females).

But yet again it is that time kids that’s right the blog is over for today I know I sucks right I’m sowwy but I gotta sleep an work an stuff like that cause ga power and Comcast aint free (they bitchass’s lol fukin up yo money should be they motto)

So til next time this is D-lo signing off ““It must be Halloween or something cause if you’re not Whore why are you wearing one of their uniforms baby? “


Okay people I know its been a min since my last blog, I guess I’m guilty of “Doin the Most” as of late. I really have had a lot of shit goin on you know the un-holy trinity of work, women, and bills so you know I’ve got tons of ish to talk about (finally, lol I’ve been havin a serious case of writers block). One of the main things in the trinity of un-holy craptastic shit that’s been buggin me lately has been the girlfriend not the I’m dating a girl, girlfriend but the home girl the one who gives “advice” if that’s what you can call it. This is wat I call a bitch “doin the most”…………………..

(Jus a lil fore warning ima bout to go hard cause bitches not women doin the most is a personal pet peeve of mine so if u find yo self upset in anyway eh wat can I do)

Early this week I want to say Monday I was called and verbally shit on by a chick who is of no farther importance due to lack of brain activity, and just like anyone who is on the other end of a phone during a ham secession I couldn’t help but think “ wat the fuk is this bitch talkin bout”. Then I heard it the chant moral support of the dreaded girlfriend the bff aka the broad that can’t get her shit together but is obviously licensed to give out quality relationship/men advice (or as I love to call em hoe shut the fuck up). Now I know what you’re thinking that was harsh D-lo OMG!!! An if you are you just maybe one of those “girlfriends”, but I digress as I was stating I was confused by this early shit feast until the girlfriend revealed herself. Now I understand taking advice from your friends believe me I’ve asked for my fair share, but there has to be a limit ask receive then translate that advice into how you feel but please DO NOT!! And I repeat DO NOT!! Let your bff become your puppet master, hand up ass all ventriloquist style spitting out there opinion as if it was fact cause they are more likely to fuck you up then I am.

Now on some nice guy kind of mentality I didn’t go off until I realized that we were no longer having a convo, I was just getting shot at like fish in a barrel ( I kno this is gonna sound random as hell but who the fuk made that sayin lik really in a barrel my dude fyl)and it was to the extent of the bff was telling her what to say the bitch was a savage in the background like a howler monkey or something. After I had my blackout and unleashed all the “niggatry” inside of me I was still pissed like “who the fuck allowed this bitch to speak” I mean really where the fuck they do that at, as a man I’ve never found myself needing a crutch to have a convo or get my point across but it makes it even worse when the topic of ham is complete bullshit. When are women around the globe going to grasp that sometime your “girlfriend?” is doing more harm than good think for a sec has her guidance ever gotten you the desired results is your man still in the picture or is he m.i.a after her last secession. Or even better question in her time as bff have you noticed her having a string of success or has she just been taking a break from relationships for a min (in other words niggas drive thru but never come in to dine lol).

In closing if any of the ish I spoke upon has hit home take my “advice” tell yo girlfriend yo bff to shut her ass the fuk up, or jus be nice/smart an stop listening. Don’t allow another chick to fuk up yo shit believe me you can do a great job at it all on your own trust me. And just a little teaser for wats up next on the Adventure of Sir-Lo……… “It must be Halloween or something cause if you’re not Whore why are you wearing one of their uniforms baby? I aint tryin to be rude, I’m just askin so I’ll know what to look for so I won’t make this mistake again……..” that’s right hoe talk people will I be callin em out maybe but eh wat can I do

Saturday, June 20, 2009

......Just not that into you

Alright let me start by giving a heads up that a lot of what im going to say right now may seem highly unconventional from me, but here i go. lol

Today was an average day its summer in the A and I was pondering on what to do tonight and I decided to go on a "date" instead of the club. It wasn't anything special there was food and drinks an stuff lol, and at some point in our convo about good movie's (ima movie nut so i was all in it) she brings up this movie called "He's Just Not into You" this is kinda coincident cause well let me not go there. But all this talk baited my curiosity so when I got home after some much needed fbookin cause I'm an adict now ugh lol i decided to watch it and I must say I loved it (no homo lol), it was funny in a witty way, it had Scarlett Johanssen which was a plus, and because it was honest (and not to chick flicky). An while watching I had a itch I just had to scratch and not that kinda itch to the ass's out there lol i mean a question , Why do we get into relationships? I mean the urge for companionship is natural, but so few of them actually work regardless of age, so why do them.
Then there's the whole query of mention he's just not into you which after watching the movie I feel should be changed to "Just not into you" since it played for both the parties male an females alike. I mean yeah there has to be a spark of course, but at some point does it ever occur that the issue may just be us (didnt wanna say you lol it may hit home wit somebody lol), but its true there probably are people everyday that could be a great match but we don't notice them for some reason. Someone we talk to on an almost daily basis that is being a friend because they'd rather be something than a nothing in our life (alright ima start sayin you now it sounds weird not to lol okay back to the show)........ the dreaded friend zone has hit the best of us no shame in that. Then there are the case's where you just don't have a general interest, of course your not obligated to do anything at all, but why not? Why not give it a try if the guy/girl is nice an there's some form of connection albeit may not be the kind you want why not give it a try?
Sadly enough at 3 something in the am that hit me watching a chick flick written by a guy who wrote the book of the same name that maybe she/he's just not that into me is a bitch to say, but its real. We go through life attempting to attain the shit thats just not meant to be, so why haven't we figured this out yet an conquered the whole life partner ish I mean as human beings we're pretty smart we put monkey's in space, found a way to put whipcream in a aresole can(which is the shit try it you'll feel like a fat ass but fuk it lol) but I still have to ask........ Why can't we make relationships work?

I'm most likely gonna end up coming back to this topic again cause I didn't really dive in it like I wanted due to the fact its like 4ish in the mornining an I gotta get to work tommorow to pay these bills sheesh I wish i got paid for this lol, but till then readers im out for the night

"The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest" tell a friend shit copy an paste this bitch an email it around the more ppl that know the more I can blog got dammit and if its your 1st time reading it perciate it really.............yet again here's the link

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Whoa wtf I jus felt somethin weird earlier and had to speak on it lol. Tonight has been a perfect example of me doin the most lol last min set-up of my uStream check, super last min idea to go live stoopid check (lol shout out to the Jam, the Baker Man, an the rest of the fam for the support next time i'll be prepared same niggatry but more on point), gettin drunk off a 40 of bud light another stoopid check. But at some point between me signin off an takin a smoke break, a very good break i must say (lol Miss Jane what it does) but i digress as usual, at some point in between i had a good/refreshing/need more of it convo with a friend of a friend lol an it made me realize something I miss having a chick around that i actually listened to lol. As a dude there are to many occasions where i have literally waited for a girl to shut the fuck up i mean no offense but ugh arrgh geesh is there a borin bitch monologue being passed around for those late nite convo's with dude's.
I mean think back remember when the phone an talkin til the late hours was the shit lol 3-way was over used to the max, callin up home boys/girls introducing niggas like "ay, this greg such an such friend from magic johnson remember girl" lol dont act like u aint never heard it or said it. Remember when sex was a risky topic you use to bullshit about instead of in the background of a convo waitin to pop up at any time. LOL shiid remember smell my finger (my bad ladies i had to throw that out there dont shoot me) but wat im tryin to say is that the older we've gotten the less we care about the little things that use to make our day. An maybe its time we started actin like kids a lil jus enjoyin bein able to be our selves and not worry so much about what has to be done sometimes a lil blind ignorance is a good thing.

Well thats all for now jus had to blant (thats blog and rant put together lol dont u lik my swavor okay i kno i took it a lil to far my bad) dont forget to look out for my live ustream the adventures of sir-lo the coolest


Its like a drug, depression, the pain you feel hurts so good that u plead for it to stop, but let it continue on eating you alive. Since I could remember its been a constant in my life in some form not really in me but in the people well now its more like person I love most my mom. (usually talk to my ex/bff bout this stuff lol weird i kno but she aint answerin the phone right now so this is my sober scream out loud right now) See she has more medical complications then i can even remember off top my head right now ugh where do I start well first theres the arthritis, she's anemic, asthma, hemorrhoids and a couple other things. An as long as I can remember she's been fighting and I've been right there with her, when I was younger i never fully grasped at her pain an mis-fortune i was to young to notice the strength in her "mommy's alright" lie. Now though I see right through it an it breaks my heart in ways i cant put in words to see a woman with so much to give with such an immense spirit crumbling losing to a war with her own body. That is dispare in my mind to be fightin a losing battle, the ability to try an go day by day and enjoy life would be beyond me and some how she does it almost annoyingly happy at times, anyone who's ever meet her knows wat i mean lol. Thats my mother champion of the people burner of anything in a pan (the reason i learned to cook lol shit we had to eat jk she can make a a mean chicken NOW!! finally) This is my part 2 to my to LUST, LIE, FAMILY, & DREAMS wasn't goin to do it til tomorrow but since i just came home from the hospital ( most ppl dont kno this but i really hate goin to em worst fear is goin in wit her an not comin out i'll stand outside an smoke a pack of cigarretes before i walk in practically) with my mom i cant sleep to much on my mind.
Well my mom is my family really other than my grandma she's the only person who watches out for me being a mother and a father figure in her own way. Alway's there for what ever, to encourage me to keep goin through thick and thin. Valiere Emory saved my life and I'll never let her forget it lol she told me to be what I wanted to be and I looked at her in one of those flimsy gowns they give you at the hospital and a half laugh came out one cause it sounded lik a joke (and cause her boob was tryin to pop out)me being what I wanna wouldnt happen I'd sell dope, before I believe that shit i write would make it. And she of course in mother-ly fashion told me to shut it! An then proceeded to tell me to dream big an chase it no matter what and that she believed in me.......... Someone actually believes in me is all i could think after that, so now forgo all my lifes bullshit i realized i dont have time to sulk an become a masochist diving in to depression. Why is simple, because I have to make it before that last ER trip so she can see she was right "My Dream is to show my family, my mama that she was Right to believe in me! Thats my family &dream .......................................................

Sincerly, DeAngelo Emory
til next signing off "deuce's"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Lies & Lust"

QUESTION: Who can u trust now an days when niggas be fake and the females crazy? Idk so I'm solo til I figure that out...... Today on the Adventure's lies, lust, family, and dreams!!!! " Lifes A Bitch So I flirt with her alot"..........

In my life I rarely take stuff for granted always seeming to over analyze everything an the only time I'm not is when I'm focused on just one thing typically is when there's something in my system lol (sad i kno) or when I'm writing. A analogical thinker is what its called, to examine life to its fullest extent creating characters with there own roles to be played trying to predict possible outcomes as situations occur. Many of these analogical thinkers have a specific skill set an habits due to there perpetual need to analyze an decipher i.e. writers, research specialists you know like anthropologist and archaeologist, basically anything where life can be broken down and analyzed the da vinci gene is what I call it. This intrepid insight into a dreamers mind set is just to show you where my head is right now scattered but still in a theme of such Lies, Lust, Family, and Dreams.

Today's blog is gonna be a lil different I'm breaking it into parts almost like a double album same great content with two different theme's. This one is dedicated to Lies & Lust which aren't that different cause at some point they both get mixed together in the process. First off I'd like to say that everybody lies men and WOMAN lol so lets not get on dudes aren't shit but liars ish hold that! So in my opinion lust and lies always seem to want too be together I know that as a dude when the blood is pumping an me and the woman I'm "lustin" (lol new word) after is in convo mode the world seems different I want to do something I want to say everything, and at some point in between wanting to do and wanting to say I want to lie. I have to say that a lie in lust isn't just a regular lie its a completely new type of lie still a lie but of a different breed. A lust lie is a shroud of mystery that can be used to make it easier to reach your goal when your engulfed in lust (please hold judgement til the end of the blog lol). Some are bigger than others but still lies all the same then, there are time when people just lie not to achieve a goal but to deceive you and on the spread chart of lies these are the ones that piss me off the most really just cause its so chicken shit like lol.
Then there's lust a personal favorite of mine (I mean really shawty its just sexy jus say it lik Lust lol) well lust is a beast the shit can ruin the best of of people. The whole issue with lust is that it can't be controlled you think with the most primal part of your brain losing the inhibitions you pride yourself on, but its so worth it in my opinion lol. In that lust is a passion you don't feel all the time cause its more in it than just being horny its everything the mind is just as aroused as the body lips become eye's noticing the simple curvature that now oozes sensuality as your eye's scan every part of the body. Just to finally get back to that persons eye's an your hooked convo isn't even need by this time your in lust! An what ever happens, happens you just had your movie moment your make out in the rain, your kiss and stumble to the bed room, or the Oh so under used kitchen fiasco that you'll laugh about later cleaning the mess you made up. The key to lust is that passion, passion being random in our lives now and days due to less people chasing it, an after awhile just forgetting it practically, no passion in life and none for the simpler parts of it leaves us urning for something what though is different for everybody.............. my saying for Lust & Lie's " if u must lie, lie to your self and if ever confronted by lust always wrap it up" seriously it some nasty niggas and ho's out there shawty lol and ain't no cure for everything *cough herpes an aids bein two

to be continued in Pt. 2 Family and Dreams til then this is D-Lo or Sir-Lo if ur nasty lol

Sunday, June 14, 2009


This is gonna sound real random well maybe not to much since its coming from me, but I think men need to stop paying for so much SHIT!!! There i said, and it didn't even sound like I thought it would. I say this cause I just recently had a convo with a friend (who i have to say is the Jam lol) about going out this weekend an how I'm going broke not Mc Hammer broke but shit a bill come in to high an I may be filing for something soon. An then like an epiphany that shit hit me "Man these bitches draining my pockets" lol (no offense i mean bitches in the nicest of ways lol just keepin it real Yuaaaaaah SONGZZZ!!! random i kno) ,BUT on the real though lets add up a regular date lets say dinner and a movie.

Alright if you go to an apple bee's an get an entree' an a drink if a dude lucky can come out spending 25 to 30 American dollars lol not no peso's. Then there's the movie's which use to be a low cost savior but now has turned into a beast of its own making a nigga break actual bread. Two adult tickets, shit might as well say is a dub an don't let the chick talk about snacks (WTF SNACKS bitch its niggas in hell who want ice water, but we kno how that ends in my opinion anything costing over $5 is not a SNACK thats another meal) and if you do get "snacks" that's another at least $10 an that's if a dude lucky. Ten bucks for a an i quote again "snack" that's value menu after blunt money, so lets do a low ball tally for this "date" (I'll explain the quotes on that in a min lol it gets worse). So far we got lets say $30 for dinner then $20 for the tickets and finally the cherry on top $10 for the "snacks" what is that 30+20+10=60, wtf 60 mothafukin dollars american dollars not peso's i repeat $60 dollars for a "date".
Which could be a fukin first "date" THAT SHAWTY IS RI-FUKIN-DICULOUS, I rarely think this dangerously ignorant unless its something serious lol and this new date shit is crucial ppl I think I'm a have to start spreading this shit out if this the way its gonna work (and this is where i talk about the quotes on date pay close attention this is serious ppl). I mean if I want to get to know a female its not an issue to spend money on a date mama ain't raise no ass. I'm a gentleman but DAMN not only do I have to still compete with the rest of the niggas in the world, have to deal with the awkward first date convo, I may even not like you cause the prettier a broad is the dumber or more boring she is (Especially in the A not all of yal but its a good 3 out of 5 an that's more than half lol) . AND not to seem like a pig headed asshole every female proclaims men are but we aren't guaranteed no vagina, no oral satisfaction, not even a "handshake", and let alone another date. Sorry if that seemed disrespectful (but its the truth lol). I know tons of women who go on dates but fuck they Ex, chicks who be broke an hungry til some unlucky bastard thinking dinner and drinks will help him wife her down, or just in general doesn't have a bone in her body that says i like you, will gladly fake a smile for some redlobster an a margarita.
So my question is what the fuck does my $60 get me? I mean do i get a raffle ticket to be entered in the win a second date lottery, hell no! As a nigga I go home look at the damage done to my wallet an call up the rip to make the pain go away LOL J/K (well kinda) an wait for my phone call/text the next day. So til shit change I'm on strike unless we going dutch or splitting the bill I refuse to pay for pussy ever again lol cause that's what it is $60 to file an application to Bust It Open University ( MY B.I.O.U. BRO's STAND UP LOL) and you ain't guaranteed shit!

(Thank you in advance for the support on this new social stand against injustice. I hope that one day that this niggatry of a lifestyle is dashed away from our time I voted For Obama/Biden so I expect so Damn CHANGE ppl.)

LOL, I'm an ass BUT eh wat can i do
SiGniN OFF D-Lo "Bitch where's my money"

Sex with an EX

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Is anything im doin Brand NEW

Late last night on the phone wit a friend ( "*burp it Ello Bitches" lol super inside ) I started to listenin to a bunch of slow jams goin down memory road actin stoopid, a usual if u really know me. An when i was tryin to go to sleep i put on my slow mix to help ease me in to countin sheep, but I had it on repeat stuck in a endless loop of Drake Brand NEW (which is my shit ) an did the job i must say snoring was an understatement lol. After bein woken out of my slumber around 12ish by my phone (i knew i shoulda put it on vibrate lol), i went on facebook as usual an saw a video blog update from a young lady who I've really come to enjoy watchin (an surprisingly not jus cause she cute lol i kno that sounded shallow but uh wat can i do), but the subject of it was "Why I am still single". So of course i had to watch it now shit i wanted to kno to lol, but while she was talkin expressin her thoughts on relationships, and her want to complete herself before sharing her life wit a man it hit me. This off kilter question what do I as a man really want, not just in a woman but in the relationship. Do I wanna get married, shit would it even last considering the goin rate of a marriages now an days.
Shit is anything I'm doin Brand NEW?

Where in our lives have we ever been taught lessons in love, or in relatioships I mean there's no class in school for it but we learned how a to have safe sex before how to make meaningful connections, lol. I know that that alot ppl would say you learn things like that from watchin an listenin to our parents and family, but how many can say they have been witness to a lovin relationship between there parents when over half of em are divorced no lol for that one i bet cause its on some truth=full shit. When do we break the cycle I ask?

As a man I answered these questions, What qualities do i look for in woman, do I believe/want to get hitched ( yessir married wit lik 12 chilin runnin bout jk bout the 12, more lik 3 at most lol 12 wtf i look john an kate plus 8 witch please), am i prepared to share the little amount of shit I got in life ?

Then there's the whole love thing, I mean really am I the only one who has noticed how liberally we throw that bitch around. I aint talkin bout that play love I luv you shit, I'm speakin on that I Love you cause I am in love with your faults an your good traits just make you better to me kind of love. Fast forward 6 months and Rome is falling again (Etu bitch Etu! lol thats latin, the language of the era of Caesar of Rome who's final words were etu brutus for the non history buffs see u jus learned somethin but i digress)...... the magic is gone, sex is none existent an if it is, it aint that good lol. We have started this new trend of microwaving everything, meaning we want it now, to impatient to nuture it and watch it grow into something worth while.

Smart, a lil bitch in her, funny, ballsy (not afraid to call me out on my shit), family oriented, must love breakfast lol, caring, honest, Real, and eccentric. I kno your probably lik huh, lol, but this is my top 10 the top 10 things i search for in a woman in order to make the connection to start a relationship. In my opinion u need a friend before anything, anybody who reads this should write down there top 10 an see if thats what you have been fukin wit lol if so touche' my nigga u makin moves. An if not maybe this is a sign to start somethin new an real before you fuck round an make a connection that leave you wit pampers and baby formula lol (oh shouts out to my single parents tho "I see ya shawty") cause er body loves kids but the best part of playin wit em is when you get to give back to they parent lol. Now think,
is anything I'm Doin Brand NEW!!

Signin off D-Lo 3G "Beam me up Scottie" lol


Well one day after having a long ass convo about relationships an heartbreaks and everything mushy I realized that all relationships are like Adventure's so when thinking of what my funny/reltionship/life's a bitch blog name should be it hit me "The Adventure's of Sir-Lo the Coolest"..........

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